Application of economic concepts

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Reference no: EM133630495

Question: This course differs from other microeconomics courses because it focuses on the application of economic concepts and principles to real world issues. This assignment requires you to write one five-page paper which should be related to the supplementary articles from The Economist and The New York Times. The paper should demonstrate your understanding of how economic principles are applied in real world situations.

Reference no: EM133630495

Questions Cloud

What are the functions and limitations of an economic model : What are the functions and limitations of an economic model Make sure you keep APA formatting, and that you include at least 2 other sources
How the aggregate demand function : how the aggregate demand function in the Australian economy is expected to shift by the end of next year if the RBA's goal is to get the unemployment rate from
What are some ways leaders can ensure that a team reaps : What are some ways leaders can ensure that a team reaps the advantages of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within their teams?
Which would be example of compensation in relation to goal : Imagine a pre-med student who does poorly in their course work. Which would be an example of compensation in relation to their goal of becoming a doctor?
Application of economic concepts : Write one five-page paper which should be related to the supplementary articles from The Economist and The New York Times
What can harihara do to prevent from happening in future : Harihara has a highly cohesive team. He delegates a decision to them and asks them to create. What can Harihara do to prevent this from happening in the future?
What are the primary ethical challenges : Transmitting Cholera to Haiti. What are the primary ethical challenges? Who do you consider to be 2-3 major stakeholders and what are their primary concerns?
How did the persian empires relationship with its neighbors : How did the Persian Empire's relationship with its neighbors, such as the Greeks and Egyptians, shape its history and development?
Would it ever be efficient to have patents that last forever : If a policy-maker wished to maximize static efficiency, would there be a need for patents/intellectual property


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