Application of big data and analytics

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM133071458

FINM4100 Data Analytics in Accounting, Economics and Finance - Kaplan Business School

Assessment - Investigative Report - Fintech & Regtech

A) Application of big data and analytics to central banking and;
B) The effects this will have over how these institutions operate over the next 5-10 years

• Students are provided with ONE core reading and four suggested readings (Available on MyKBS).
1. CORE: Big data approach to understand central banks and their operation.
2. SUGGESTED: Central banks' new strategic approach toward big data analytics in forecasting and decision-making.
3. SUGGESTED: The future of central banking - The European Central Bank.
4. SUGGESTED: Big data supporting financial stability
5. SUGGESTED: Emerging opportunities and challenges with central bank data. Students must reference the core reading in their report.
• In addition to the core readings, students must to include THREE additional references from their own research.
• Students may wish to use the ECB, RBA, US Federal Reserve, IMF and World Bank websites to source valuable supplementary information.
• Theoretical frameworks and concepts from the lectures need to be applied to the analysis

Assessment Focus

Develop an investigative report into the:
A) Application of big data and analytics to central banking and;
B) The effects this will have over how these institutions operate over the next 5-10 years

In addition to your own thoughts and analysis, your report might also address the following areas:
• Use of sentiment analysis or similar approach to provide a qualitative interpretation of central bank discussion papers.
• The enterprise data governance framework adopted by a central bank such as the European Central Bank (ECB), the US Federal Reserve (The Fed) or the Bank of Japan (BoJ).
• How big data can potentially assist with (monetary) policy rate-setting that helps stablise inflation and reduce unemployment to its natural rate.
• How big data may be used to support financial stability.
• How big data could change both the internal operations of central banks and transform the external economic and financial systems central banks analyse.
• Remember to consider your audience: practitioners in the financial services industry

Suggested Structure:

• What is central banking? Discussion
• Use of sentiment analysis or similar approach to provide a qualitative interpretation of central bank discussion papers.
• The enterprise data governance framework adopted by a central bank such as the European Central Bank (ECB), the US Federal Reserve (The Fed) or the Bank of Japan (BoJ).
• How big data can potentially assist with (monetary) policy rate-setting that helps stablise inflation and reduce unemployment to its natural rate.
• How big data may be used to support financial stability.
• How big data could change both the internal operations of central banks and transform the external economic and financial systems central banks analyse.
• Your thoughts and recommendations (arguments should be backed by evidence).
• Summary of main discussion points. References & Appendices

Attachment:- Data Analytics in Accounting.rar

Reference no: EM133071458

Questions Cloud

What is Asian Division Revenues figure : Its Variable costs are £307,500, Fixed costs are £451,000 and Return on Investment is 20%. What is Asian Division's Revenues figure
How large a check must the city write today : She requested recovery of lost wages plus $50,000 for pain and suffering plus $10,000 for legal expenses. How large a check must the city write today
Should the company accept the outside suppliers offer : The $13.75 unit cost is based on 8,000 switches produced each year that sell for $15.00 each. Should the company accept the outside suppliers offer
How can you decide what type of decision is strategic : Most people in business on most days deal with company tactics, decisions at level that is not strategic. How can you decide what type of decision is strategic?
Application of big data and analytics : Application of big data and analytics to central banking and The effects this will have over how these institutions operate over the next 5-10 years
Compute diluted earnings per share : In 2012 Green Enterprises issued, at par, 40, $2,500, 12% bonds, each convertible into 100 shares of common stock. Compute diluted earnings per share
What is the hedge that minimises its risk : The index is currently standing at 1050, and each contract is for delivery of $250 per index points. What is the hedge that minimises its risk
What is the amount of unamortized AAP at December : Sub regularly sells inventory to Parent, with sales of 305,000 in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025. What is the amount of unamortized AAP at December 31, 2025
What is the expected return of stock-microsoft inc : 1. An investor is considering two bonds. One is a corporate bond yielding 12%, and is currently selling at par. The marginal tax rate is 28%.


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