Application of Big Data Analytics in Mechanical Engineering

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Reference no: EM133089934

SWE7004-K Research Proposal - University of Bolton

Application of Big Data Analytics in Mechanical Engineering

Part 1. The Applicant

Present post and place of work:

Qualifications gained (see Regulations 2.1 and 2.2) (include place(s) of higher education, courses completed, main subjects, classification of award, date and name of awarding body):

Training and experience (include details of activities (with dates) relevant to this application, and of any research or other relevant papers, books, etc. which have been published):

Part 2. Programme of Research

Title of the proposed investigation

Aim(s) and objectives of the investigation (bullet points only):

Give an account of the proposed plan of work for the research to be undertaken for the Masters. Include its relationship to previous work, with references, and its intended outcomes (about 1000). Please include word count.

Resources (details of facilities and resources e.g. hardware, software, methods and tools available, including location if not at University of Bolton)

Collaborating Establishment (if applicable)

Name of Collaborating Establishment

Relationship between work to be undertaken in the collaborating establishment and that to be undertaken at the University or elsewhere

Proposed Supervisors (identify 3 potential supervisors for your project) NB you must have discussed this proposal with them before you submit this document.

1. Name 1
2. Name 2
3. Name 3

Part 3. Related Studies (Complete either 3.1 or 3.2)

Details of any programme of related studies to be undertaken (see Regulations 3.1(ii) and (iii)) including any mandatory work-placement

Where an integrated programme of study is proposed, details of the course of postgraduate study on which the candidate's performance is to be formally assessed

Part 4. Period of Study (see Regulation 4)

Amount of time (hours per week average) allowed for programme: Expected duration of programme (in months) on the above basis to MSc

Attachment:- Research Proposal.rar

Reference no: EM133089934

Questions Cloud

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Application of Big Data Analytics in Mechanical Engineering : Application of Big Data Analytics in Mechanical Engineering - Relationship between work to be undertaken in the collaborating establishment
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Examine the Management theories and principles : Critically evaluate the challenges the school is currently facing. Please make sure you have incorporated minimum 5 challenges


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