Application in java to accept the number

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131199002

Develop an application in Java to accept the number of students in a section for a subject and for each student accept the student number, Student name, prelim marks, midterm marks, final marks. The final grade should be calculated as sum of 20% of prelim marks, 20% of midterm marks and 60% of final marks

Considering the conditions mentioned below print the count of number of students who fall in each of the category(Extra Ordinary, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average, Failed) and also the details of the students .

If (Final Grade<=100 and >90) print Extra Ordinary otherwise
If (Final Grade<=90 and >80) print Excellent otherwise
If (FinalGrade<=80 and >70) print Very Good otherwise
If (FinalGrade<=70 and >60) print Good otherwise
If (FinalGrade<=60 and >=50) print Average otherwise


NOTE :Use all the programming constructs necessary to get the desired output. You are required to present and justify your output and submit the document as a report.

Reference no: EM131199002

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9/8/2016 8:29:40 AM

analyzing Programming Problem - Prototype and Oral Presentation and Technical Report - Solution is consistently factual, correct, and appropriately phrased.Use all the programming constructs necessary to get the desired output.

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