Reference no: EM131075031
As a continuation of our course project due in Unit VIII, A Permit By Rule (PBR) Application for an Interior Surface Coating Facility, complete the next section, "Heater and Oven Combustion Emissions," of your proposal by following the instructions carefully, and then submit your continued draft for grading.
1. Closely read the Required Reading assignment from your textbook, the TCEQ (2011) document, and the Unit Lesson in the Study Guide.
2. Open your proposal draft from Unit VI and make any improvements to your draft using your professor's feedback from the Unit VI project assignment.
3. Open the Unit VII Study Guide, read the Unit VII Unit Lesson, then review the calculations demonstrated and explained regarding calculations for emissions of products of combustion from heaters and ovens for our scenario.
4. Make your Unit VII work your sixth level 1 heading titled "Heater and Oven Combustion Emissions." Describe and demonstrate (illustrate) the calculations for the following for this section of your project:
(a) nitrous oxides (NOx),
(b) carbon monoxide (CO),
(c) particulate matter (PM),
(d) volatile organic compounds (VOC), and
(e) sulfur dioxide (SO2) for BOTH hourly emissions (short-term) in lbs./hr. AND annual (long-term) emissions in tons/year. Your response should be in a minimum one-page, double-spaced document.