Application contains the structure statement

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131682263

Visual Basic .NET Application - Coding Exercise 2 (Exercise 6, Zak, 2016, p. 575) An application contains the Structure statement shown here.

Structure  MyFriend 
	Public strName As String 
	Public strBirthday As String
End Structure
  • Create a VB.Net Windows Form application named MyFriend_YourName. Change the name property of your form to frmMain.
  • Add the MyFriend Structure to the public class frmMain.
  • Create 2 text boxes txtName and txtBirthday, and a button with the name property changed to btnExecute and the text property changed to Execute.
  • In the button click event, write a Dim statement that declares a five-element one-dimensional array of MyFriend variables. Name the array home.
  • Then write an assignment statement that assigns the value in the txtName control to the strName member contained in the last array element.
  • Write an assignment statement that assigns the value in the txtBirthday control to the strBirthday member contained in the last array element.
  • Output the values from the last array element to a message box in the format "Your name is Name and your birthday is Birthday." Name and Birthday are replaced with actual values from your array.
  • Set a breakpoint next to you're the Dim statement of your home array. See page 829 in your text for how to set breakpoints in VB.Net or search online.
  • Run your form, add a name and date to the respective text boxes and click the Execute button. Execution should stop at the breakpoint. Use the Debug menu or shortcut keys to step through the code. All code should execute without error.

Reference no: EM131682263

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