Reference no: EM1387874
In a study the steel rods supplied by two different companies. Measure of ?exibility are recorded for each company:
Company A: 9.3, 8.8, 6.8, 8.7, 8.5, 6.7, 8.0, 6.5, 9.2, 7.0
Company B: 11.0, 9.8, 9.9, 10.2, 10.1, 9.7, 11.0, 11.1, 10.2, 9.6
a) Calculate the sample mean and median for the data for the two companies.
b) Plot the data on the same line and give your impression regarding any apparent differences between the two companies.
Conduct a chi square analysis
: In a species of plant, two genes control flower color. The red allele is dominant to the white allele; the color producing allele is dominant to the non-color producing allele.
Explain why the event is consistent with the theory
: Term structure of interest rates. Explain why the event is consistent with the theory you nbelieve it matches.
Probability on employee performance ratings
: She collected the employee performance ratings recorded before and after workshop attendance and stored the paired ratings for all 35 in Perform.
Explain system enforces both blp and biba properties
: Integrity SL = security clearance for level L = integrity clearance for level L SC = security category set for cat. C = integrity category set for cat C. Prove that in this system subject can only read and write at his own level.
Apparent differences between the two companies
: Plot the data on the same line and give your impression regarding any apparent differences between the two companies.
Probability that the target will get hit
: Girl B throws 15 times, with a prob. of success = 0.2. And girl C throws 20 times, with a probability of success equal to 0.1. Determine the probability that the target will get hit at least 12 times.
Forecast the phenotypic ratio for the cross
: In rumbunnies spock ears are dominant to earless; red eyes are dominant to blue eyes; and spinner eyes (E) are dominant nonspinner eyes (e). Forecast the phenotypic ratio for this cross
Edge connectivity of undirected graph-running maximum-flow
: Illustrate how edge connectivity of undirected graph G = (V, E) can be determined by running maximum-flow algorithm on at most |V| flow networks, each having O(V) vertices and O(E) edges.
Bivariate normal distribution problem
: Suppose also that the mean score on test A is 85, and the standard deviation is 10; the mean score on test B is 90, and the standard deviation is 16; the scores on the two tests have a bivariate normal distribution; and the correlation of the two ..