Reference no: EM132400470 , Length: word count:1500
APP3020 Psychoanalysis Assignment - Case Study, Victoria University, Australia
Psychoanalysis Case Study: The Depressed Social worker
Assessment - Case Study Formulation Exercise
OVERVIEW - Psychoanalysis provides an interpretive framework to make sense of psychological symptoms in terms of unconscious conflicts, associated anxieties, and defensive avoidance of consciously experiencing intrapsychic conflict. The purpose of this assessment is to apply psychoanalytic theories of symptom formation to a case study, to generate a plausible formulation about what is going on unconsciously for the person concerned.
The purpose of this task is to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the psychoanalytic theory of symptom formation;
2. Apply this theory in a contextually appropriate way to generate a plausible formulation of the unconscious dynamics evident in the case material.
The unit learning outcome(s) assessed is/are:
1: Evaluate and critically review key psychoanalytic theories and concepts.
2: Advance logical, well-structured and coherent arguments relating to psychoanalytic topics.
LENGTH - 1500 words.
DETAILS - Psychoanalytic theory developed in response to Freud's attempts to understand the unconscious psychological dynamics responsible for producing symptoms of psychopathology. Students of psychoanalysis should not only understand symptom formation at an abstract level, but also be able to use relevant theory to develop a context-appropriate and plausible formulation of the unconscious meaning of symptoms in specific cases. Students are provided with actual case material and must produce a detailed written formulation (explanatory account) of the sufferer's psychological difficulties.
1. Carefully read the case study and familiarize yourself with all the relevant details (approximately 15 minutes.)
2. Re-read the relevant prescribed readings and session notes pertaining to psychological conflict and symptom formation (approximately 60 minutes.) Pay particular attention to the document, 'Characteristics of a good case formulation.'
3. Using relevant psychoanalytic theory, write an interpretive account (formulation) of what is going on in the specific case study and what is causing and maintaining the person's psychological difficulties (approximately 120 minutes).
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