Reference no: EM1381646
I've the following case study to diagnose. I'm sure it is 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder. But often there're other disorders that accompany this. Any thoughts or suggestions that I may have overlooked would be appreciated.
Gary grew up in a family that consisted of his father, mother, and an older brother. He indicated that there was not much closeness in his family. He was always left to fend for himself and got in trouble very early. Despite being bright, he received poor grades in school because he "wasn't interested". At the age of 14 he was sent to a youth correctional center for stealing a car and was at the reform school for 18 months. Almost immediately after being released, he started burglarizing.
When Gary was 20, he was sent to Oregon State Penitentiary for 18 months for burglary and robbery. In prison, Gary gained a reputation for brutality to other inmates and was known as "the enforcer" and "hammerhead". He tattooed obscene words and pictures on the backs and forearms of ineffectual and disliked inmates. After release, he committed armed robbery several times within the next month. He was sent back to the penitentiary and was transferred to a federal prison.
Gary met a woman after being released from prison which was reportedly the first close relationship that he had ever had. Gary indicated that he did not know how to respond to her for any length of time because he was used to violence and fighting. In his words, he was thoughtless in the way he treated her. Her two children reportedly bugged him and sometimes he would get angry and slap them because they were too noisy.
Two months later, Gary pulled up near a gas station and told the man at the service station to give him all of his money. He then took him to the bathroom and shot him. Gary stated that, "The guy didn't give me any trouble, but I just felt like I had to do it".
Axis I ?
Axis II 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder
Axis III None
Axis IV ?
Axis V GAF = 50 (current)