Anti-federalists feared that the new government

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Reference no: EM13901769

Question 1

1. Typically, an interest group is formed to _____.
A. promote a single, specific idea.
B. create its own political party.
C. impeach corrupt elected officials.
D. start bank accounts that earn interest.

Question 2

1. Which of these is a characteristic of the American electoral process?
A. A Presidential candidate can win all of a state's electoral votes without getting a majority of votes in that state.
B. A Presidential candidate must win a majority of all electoral votes in order to become President.
C. The number of electoral votes for a state is its total number of Senators (two) and Representatives (at least one).
D. All of these are characteristics of the American electoral process!

Question 3

1. George Washington set many precedents as the first President. Which of these were his ideas?
A. Serve only two terms - eight years.
B. Create a group of advisors, called the "Cabinet."
C. Determine how to address the President: "Mr. President"
D. All of these were George Washington's precedents!

Question 4

1. Which of the following statements are true about the nature of government under the Articles of Confederation?
A. The national government could pass laws, but not enforce them.
B. The national government had no taxation authority.
C. The national government had no executive or judicial branch.
D. All of these are characteristics of the nature of government under the Articles of Confederation!

Question 5

1. During Jefferson's term of office, the United States made the Lousiana Purchase from ____.
A. France
B. England
C. Spain
D. Mexico

Question 6

1. Before the Revolutionary War, most Americans referred to themselves as _____.
A. "Americans"
B. "Colonists"
C. "Englishmen"
D. "Westeners"

Question 7

1. Which of these powers are exclusive to the state government?
A. Enter into treaties with foreign goverments.
B. Establish post offices and issue postage.
C. Print money.
D. Only the federal government can do these, not states!

Question 8

1. Which of these powers are exclusive to the national government?
A. Regulate commerce between states.
B. Establish an Army and a Navy.
C. Issue driver's licenses.
D. Only states can issue driver's licenses! But the other two are federal powers.

Question 9

1. Which statement is NOT a function of political parties?
A. Recruits candidates for public office
B. Support a single cause
C. Select candidates to run in elections
D. Educate voters

Question 10

1. According to John Locke, there exists _____ between the governed and the governing.
A. an understanding
B. a contract
C. a moral obligation
D. a grudge match

Question 11

1. The British increased taxes on the colonists to help pay for _____.
A. wars against Napolean.
B. the French and Indian War.
C. maintenance of trade routes the West Indies.
D. those red uniforms.

Question 12

1. The Constitution may not be amended.
True or False
Question 13

1. The Anti-Federalists feared that the new government was being given too much power.
True or False

Question 14

1. American citizens do not vote directly for the president. Citizens vote for electors who cast their ballots in the Electoral College. There are 538 electors which is the sum of ______________.
A. 100 Representatives, 435 Senators and 3 electors for the District of Columbia.
B. 100 Senators and 438 Representatives.
C. 100 Senators, 435 Representatives and 3 electors for the District of Columbia.
D. 100 Representatives, 435 Senators and 3 at large votes.

Question 15

1. Which of these is true about the first American militias?
A. Soldiers were expected to bring their own rifles.
B. Enlistments were generally for less than a year.
C. Soldiers were not from lower classes. They were primariy artisans, workers or sons of landowning families.
D. All of the above are true about the first American militias.

Question 16

1. Soldiers from low income homes were motivated by the financial prospects of military service. These enlistees saw the militia as a way of earning income to buy land and subsequently gain independence from their family. Many of them sent money home while they were serving their enlistment.
True or False

Question 17

1. The power of the judicial branch to determine if laws are constitutional or not was first defined in Marbury v. Madison.
True or False

Question 18

1. In 1870, the 15th Amendment gave the right to vote to all men, including former male slaves.
True or False
Question 19

1. Match the President with his famous decision:
Emancipation Proclamation
Louisiana Purchase
Step down after two terms

A. Washington
B. Jefferson
C. Lincoln

Question 20

1. Match the special interest group with its special interest
campaign finance and election reform
individual rights and liberties
gun ownership
the environment

B. Chamber of Commerce
C. Sierra Club
E. Common Cause

Reference no: EM13901769

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