Reference no: EM133646985
1. What kind of argument is being made in the following passage?
"An anti-abortion firefighter cannot refuse to put out a fire at an abortion clinic and expect not to be punished by their employer. But, this is relevantly similar to a pro-life pharmacist refusing to fill a birth control prescription. So, a pro-life pharmacist can't refuse to fill a birth control prescription and expect not to be punished by their employer."
a) a moral argument from principle
b) a non-moral argument
c) a moral argument from analogy
d) a deontological argument
2. What kind of argument is being made in the following passage?
"It is always wrong to do research on a competent human being without their informed consent. And, the researchers in the UMN CAFE study did research on Dan Markingson without his informed consent, so their research was wrong."
a) a moral argument from analogy
b) a slippery slope argument
c) a moral argument from principle
d) a non moral argument
3. Which moral principle is most obviously being expressed in the following passage? [Pick the best answer.]
"A nurse should work to promote the well-being of his or her patient."
a) principle of beneficense
b) principle of autonomy
b) principle of justice
c) principle of utility
4. Which moral principle is most obviously being expressed in the following passage? [Pick the best answer.]
"You should respect a patient's ability to freely decide which treatment option they want to pursue, even if they choose to do things that you think are not best for them."
a) principle of beneficence
b) principle of autonomy
c) principle of nonmaleficence
d) principle of utility