Anthony ngatia-some of the retrieved essay questions

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Reference no: EM131189101

Anthony Ngatia-Some of the retrieved essay questions

1. Question on "The Mayor of Castle bridge"

Topic: Many of the works read portray characters altering their consciousness in one way or another, through alcohol or drugs. The works demonstrate shifting cultural ideas about the dangers and possibilities of changing your perceptions or losing control of your faculties. In your paper, explore some of these scenes, discussing the kinds of things these works have to say about the cultures that produced them.

With reference to 2 works write this essay, you can focus on one of the 2 or more.

The Mayor of Casterbridge,by Thomas Hardy

The House of Mirth, by Edith Wharton

For your final paper assignment for LCS356, write an 8-10 page paper on the above topic. This paper should be in the form of a persuasive paper that states a thesis and argues that thesis through the use of textual evidence (i.e. quotes).In addition; your paper should refer to at least one of the critical readings we have read for the class.

2. Forbidden words, taboo and censoring of language

  • Order type:          Book review                     
  • Subject:               Linguistics                                         
  • Academic level:  master
  • style:                   APA
  • Pages: 4, double spaced                               
  • Language:            English (U.S.)
  • Sources: 1

3. Russian Literature 

Topic: The Art of Contrast: Enstrangement and Allegiance in Shklovsky and Babel's writing (comparative analysis)

I will upload most of Babel's Red Calvary stories, and for Shklovsky, I uploaded a very useful introduction and also several pages with passages I think will help. But it will be better if you can get hold on the book since you might need more passages and read some of the story actually.

Also, I will upload two pages I wrote before on these authors, just for reference.

Pages: 6, double spaced,            subject: Literature                   Language: English (U.S.)

Sources: 2                                   Academic levels: Bachelor

Order type: essay                        Style: MLA

4. Poetry- Song


  • Topic; Song
  • Type of document: essay
  • Single Spaced: No
  • Subject area: Literature & language
  • Academic level: undergraduate
  • Writing style:MLA
  • Writing Language:English(U.S.)
  • Number of Sources:3
  • Number of pages:2/approximately 550 words
  • Write analytical essay on the poem 'song'
  • Times New Roman 12 point,double spaced.

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Portrayal of Characters Altering Their Consciousness through Alcohol or Drugs, Shifting Cultural Ideas about the Dangers and Possibilities of Changing One’s Perceptions: Scenes from Selected Texts While reading the various recommended texts for this unit this semester, I realized that many of them portray characters altering their consciousness in one way or another through alcohol or drugs. These works demonstrate shifting cultural ideas about the dangers and possibilities of changing one’s perceptions, or losing control of one’s

Reference no: EM131189101

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