Antennas are just one of life great mysteries

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM132333168

To many users, antennas are just one of life's great mysteries. They know from experience that any antenna is better than having no antenna, and that the higher the antenna is located, the better the reception will be. Yet the antenna is arguably one of the most important parts of a wireless network. Antennas play a vital role in both sending and receiving signals, and a properly positioned and functioning antenna can make all the difference between a wireless LAN operating at peak efficiency or a network that nobody can use. Use the Internet to research antennas for APs. What different types of antennas are used? What are their strengths? what are their weaknesses? Which types would be used to concentrate a signal to a more confined area? Write a one page paper on what you find.

Reference no: EM132333168

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