Reference no: EM13124265
answer the questions in the file
Part 1
Short answers:
1. Define open and closed word classes, and identify two of each [for English].
2. Explain the difference between descriptive and prescriptive grammar.
3. Give the structures for NP, VP, PP
4. Give the valencies
5. What are the nominal roles in a clause or phrase?
6. What is the difference between adjectival roles and adverbial roles?
7. In an active voice clause, what is the relationship between the S and V?
8. In a passive voice clause, what is the relationship between the S and V?
9. What is the difference between transitive and copular verbs?
10. What is the difference between ditransitive and complex transitive verbs?
11. How can you tell the difference between an SVC clause and an SVAdv clause?
12. What roles can a PP play?
13. How can you tell whether a verb is finite?
14. What is the difference between finite and non-finite clauses?
15. What is the difference between independent and dependent clauses?
16. There are three types of independent clause. How can you tell them apart?
17. There are four types of dependent finite clause. How can you recognize them?
18. What structures can an -ING participle control? What roles can these structures play?
19. If you see an -ED verb form, how do you analyze it?
20. If you see the base form of a verb, how do you analyze it?
Part 2 -- Construct a sentence and underline the specified element for each of the following:
1. 2nd person singular past perfect
2. 3rd person singular present progressive
3. 1st person singular past passive
4. 3rd person singular modal perfect progressive
5. 1st person plural present perfect passive
6. 2nd person plural present progressive passive
7. 1st person plural past perfect progressive
8. 3rd person plural modal passive
9. 3rd person singular present perfect
10. Nominal clause subject
11. Nominal clause object
12. Present participial phrase subject
13. Present participial phrase object
14. "After" as a preposition
15. "After" as a subordinating conjunction
16. Present participial phrase as modifier
17. Past participial phrase as modifier
18. Infinitive phrase object
19. adjectival prepositional phrase
20. adverbial temporal noun phrase
Part 3 - Using the sentence Norbert bit Quincy illustrate the following transformations.
1. "Do" insertion for emphasis
2. "Do" insertion for negation
3. Yes-No question formation
4. Wh- relative clause formation for direct object [you will need to create the independent clause]
5. Wh- question formation for direct object