Answer the following objective question basis of plastid

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131121560


Q200. Term Plastid was first used by-

(a)    Haeckal

(b)   Schimper

(c)     Mayer

(d)   Erera

Q201. Coloured plastids-

(a)    Aleuroplast

(b)   Amyloplast

(c)    Chromoplast

(d)   Chloroplast

Q202. Red colour of chillies and red tomatoes is due to the –

(a)    Anthocyanin

(b)   Anthochor

(c)    Lycopene

(d)   Carotene

Q203. Anthocyanin are-

(a)    Green pigment

(b)   Blue or violet

(c)    Yellow

(d)   None

Q204. Photosynthetic pigment is-

(a)    Aleuroplast

(b)   Amyloplast

(c)    Chromoplast

(d)   Chloroplast

Q205. These store food in different forms

(a)    Amyloplast

(b)   Elaiplast

(c)    Aleuroplast

(d)   all

Q206. All types plastids have common origin from-

(a)    Amyloplast

(b)   Elaiplast

(c)    Aleuroplast

(d)   Proplastids

Q207. Which id true-

(a)    Different types of plastids may transform from one form to another

(b)   Genetic material is similar

(c)    Chromoplast never transform to chloroplast

(d)   All

Q208. These are membranous clusters of pigment in cytoplasm of photosynthetic bacteria-

(a)    Chromatophores

(b)   Chlorosome

(c)    Quantosomes

(d)   None

Q209. Shape of chloroplast in Ulothrix

(a)    Cup shaped

(b)   Gridle shaped

(c)    Spiral

(d)   Reticulate

Q210. Which of the following has cup shape?

(a)    Higher plants

(b)   Spirogyra

(c)    Oedogonium

(d)   Chlamydomonas

Q211. Largest cell organelle-

(a)    Vacuole

(b)   Nucleus

(c)    Chloroplast

(d)   Mitochondria

Q212. ____ is the most abundant enzyme on earth-

(a)    Amylase

(b)   Succinase

(c)    Rubisco

(d)   None

Q213. DNA of choloplast-

(a)    Single stranded, linear

(b)   Single stranded, circular

(c)    Double stranded , linear

(d)   Double stranded, circular

Q214. Number of choloplast in higher plants

(a)    10-20

(b)   20-40

(c)    2000-5000

(d)   More than 5000

Q215. Photosynthetic pigments are located in

(a)    Granum

(b)   Cytoplasm

(c)    Thylakoid membrane

(d)   Stroma

Q216.  A photosynthetic functional unit-

(a)    F1 particle

(b)   Palade

(c)    Quantosomes

(d)   Chlorosomes

Q217. Which is incorrect in reference to cholorplast-

(a)    Balancing O2 and CO2

(b)   Impart in cytoplasmic inheritance

(c)    Can be changed into chromoplast during ripening of fruits.


Q218. Biogenesis of chloroplast-

(a)    From proplastid

(b)   From division of pre-existing plastids

(c)    Both

(d)   None


Q219. ____ is/are mechanical, hair like cellular appandages locomotory structure.

(a)    Cilia

(b)   Flagella

(c)    Both

(d)   Dynien

Q220. Cilium is composed of-

(a)    9doublet +1 singlet

(b)   10 doublet + 2 singlet

(c)    9 doublet + 2 singlet

(d)   Two of the above

Q221. Which is the Part of flagella-

(a)    Axonema

(b)   Tubules

(c)    B-tubules

(d)   all

Q222. The chlorophyll pigment is readily soluble-

(a)    water

(b)   acids

(c)    alkanes

(d)   acetone

Q223. Centrioles are found in-

(a)    chromosomes

(b)   nucleus

(c)    centrosome

(d)   centromere

Q224. Site of calvin cycle is –

(a)    chloroplast

(b)   cytoplasm

(c)    mitochondria

(d)   glyoxisome

Q225. Enzymes are synthesized on-

(a)    dictyosomes

(b)   ribosomes

(c)    mitochondria

(d)   none

Q226. Larger subunit of ribosome is dome shaped and attached to ER by-

(a)    riboproteins

(b)   aminoacid

(c)    ca2+

(d)   hydrogen bonds

Q227. Which is not true about sphaerosomes-

(a)    involved in photorespiration

(b)   Arise from ER

(c)    Related to fat metabolism

(d)   Single membrane bound.

Q228. Elioplasts are absent in-

(a)    Potato

(b)   Cocos nucifera

(c)    Arachis hypogea

(d)   Helianthus

Q229. Centrosome was discovered by-

(a)    Benden

(b)   Boveri

(c)    Delis

(d)   None

Q230. In higher plants, the chloroplast are-

(a)    Discoidal or oval

(b)   Spiral

(c)    Cupshaped

(d)   Reticulate

Q231. Which ion holds the ribosomal subunits together-

(a)    Ca2+

(b)   Mn2+

(c)    Mg2+

(d)   Na2+

Q232. DNA is not found in-

(a)    Nucleus

(b)   Mitochondria

(c)    Chloroplast

(d)   Ribosome

Q234. Mitochondria and chloroplast are considered to be endosymbionts of cell because they-

(a)    Possess their own nucleic acid

(b)   Have capacity of ATP synthesis

(c)    Do not reproduce

(d)   All the above

Q235. Peroxysomes contain-

(a)    Hydrolytic enzyme

(b)   Transferase

(c)    Isomerase

(d)   Oxidising enzyme

Q236. Sphaerosome are involved in-

(a)    Synthesis and storage of lipid

(b)   Synthesis of protein

(c)    B-oxidation of fatty acid

(d)   Synthesis and storage of carbohydrates

Q237. Which of the following statement is not correct?

(a)    The magnesium found in ribosomes units

(b)   Cytochrome P-450 found in golgi complex

(c)    Chloroplasts are semi autonomous organelle

(d)   Nuclear envelope reappear in telophase stage

Q238. Factory of ribosomes in a cell is-

(a)    ER

(b)   Nucleolus

(c)    Mitochondria

(d)   Golgi body

Q239. What is the angle between two centrioles of a centrosome-

(a)    30 degree

(b)   45 degree

(c)    60 degree

(d)   90 degree

Q240. Self duplication does not occur in

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   Centroles

(c)    Chloroplast

(d)   Ribosomes

Q241. Ribosome attached with rough E. R. by the help of

(a)    Protein

(b)   Carbohydrates

(c)    Glycoprotein

(d)   Phopholipids

Q242. In which tubulin protein is not present-

(a)    Plasma membrane

(b)   Cilia

(c)    Flagella

(d)   Microtubules

Q243. In which of the following cell centriole is absent-

(a)    Epithelial cell

(b)   Gland cell

(c)    Liver cells

(d)   Nerve cell

Q244. Ribosomes are-

(a)    Positively charged

(b)   Negatively charged

(c)    Amphoteric

(d)   Neutral

Q245. Sphaerosomes are formed from-

(a)    Lipidchondria

(b)   ER

(c)    Ribosome

(d)   Mitochondria

Q246. The peroxisomes are associated with the phenomenon of-

(a)    Oxidative anabolism

(b)   De-gradation of H2O

(c)    Anaerobic respiration

(d)   Photorespiration and degradation of H2O

Q247. Factory for synthesis of sugar in autotrophic

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   Ribosomes

(c)    Chloroplast

(d)   ER

Q248. Which of the following is not a mechanical cell organelle-

(a)    Glyoxysomes

(b)   Centriole

(c)    Diplosome

(d)   Blepheroplast

Q249. Biogenesis of eukaryotic ribosomes takes place in-

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   Chloroplast

(c)    Both a abd b

(d)   Nucleolus

Q250.which of the following is termed as highly specialised peroxisomes-

(a)    Glyoxysomes

(b)   Mitochondria

(c)    Golgi body

(d)   Sphaerosomes

Q251. “palade particles” are-

(a)    Ribosomes

(b)   Golgi vesicles

(c)    Lysosomes

(d)   Sphaerosomes

Q252. Ribosomes are centre of-

(a)    Lipid synthesis

(b)   Carbohydrate synthesis

(c)    Protein synthesis

(d)   All the above

Q253. Polysome is the chain of-

(a)    Pinesomes

(b)   Phagosomes

(c)    Microsomes

(d)   Ribosomes

Q254. By loss of ribosomes RER converts in –

(a)    SES

(b)   golgi boby

(c)    Lysosomes

(d)   Microtubules

Q256. Anthrocyanin pigment occurs in-

(a)    Chromoplasts

(b)   Amyloplasta

(c)    Cytoplasm

(d)   Cell sap

Q257. Which of the cilia protein is analogous to myosin of muscles-

(a)    Tubulin

(b)   Dynien

(c)    Flagellin

(d)   None

Q258. Maximum substance in ribosome is-

(a)    RNA

(b)   ATP

(c)    NAd

(d)   NADPH

Q259. Function of centrosome-

(a)    Initiation of cell division

(b)   Inhibition of cell div

(c)    Termination of cell division

(d)   Cytokinesis

Q260. Blepheroplast is a type of-

(a)    Centriole

(b)   Plastids

(c)    Cilia

(d)   Mitochondria

Q261. Who coined the term Ribosomes?

(a)    Kolliker

(b)   Meves

(c)    Palade

(d)   Robinson

Q262. Except mammalian RBC all living cells have ribosome-

(a)    Prokaryotes

(b)   Eukaryotes

(c)    Both

(d)   None

Q263. Water soluble yellow pigment present in petals of targets and sunflower is-

(a)    Carotene

(b)   Xanthophyl

(c)    Anthoclor

(d)   Lycopene

Q264. Prokarytoic ribosomes are 90s , s refer to –

(a)    Sveberg unit

(b)   Smallest unit

(c)    Smooth

(d)   Speed

Q265. Rhizoplasts or rootlets are part of-

(a)    Centriole

(b)   Root hairs

(c)    Ciliary apparatus

(d)   Spindle

Q266. Glyoxylate pathway takes place in-

(a)    Peroxisomes

(b)   Sphaerosomes

(c)    Lysosomes

(d)   Glyoxysomes

Q267. Pericarp and petals contain

(a)    Chloroplast

(b)   Chromoplast

(c)    Leucoplast

(d)   Etioplast

Q268. How many longitudinal peripheral fibres found in a centriole

(a)    2

(b)   9

(c)    5

(d)   7

Q269. Smallest cell organelle-

(a)    Lysosomes

(b)   Centrosome

(c)    Ribosome

(d)   Golgiboby

Q270. Non pigmented part of chloroplast is called-

(a)    Thylokoids

(b)   Grana

(c)    Stroma

(d)   Lamellae

Q271. Which of the following is not common in chloroplasts and mitochondria?

(a)    Both are present in animal cell

(b)   Both contain their own genetic material

(c)    Both are present in eukaryotic cell

(d)   Both are present in plant cells

Q272. Lamellae of chloroplast are known as-

(a)    Granum

(b)   Frets

(c)    Thylokoids

(d)   Stroma lamellae

Q273.  Which of the following enzymes are found in matrix of perisomes-

(a)    NADH cytochrome reductase

(b)   Glyoxidases and malate dehydrogenase

(c)    Acid phosphatises and isocitric lysase

(d)   Catalases and oxidases

Q274. 70s type of ribosomes found in

(a)    Prokaryotic cells

(b)   Prokaryotic cells, chloroplasts and mitochondria

(c)    Mitochondria

(d)   Nucleus, mitochondria

Q275. Cilia and flagella arise from-

(a)    Basal bodies

(b)   Basal granules

(c)    Blepharoplasts

(d)   All of the above


Q276. Mitoplast is-

(a)    Outer membrane less chloroplast

(b)   Outermembrane less mitochondria

(c)    Franum less chloroplast

(d)   Well developed nucleus

Q277. Grana and stroma lamellae are partsof-

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   Chloroplast

(c)    ER

(d)   Vacuoles

Q278. Sedimentation coefficient of mitoribosomes of higher plants is-

(a)    80s

(b)   70s

(c)    65s

(d)   55s

Q279. Which of the following substances are stored in aleuroplast

(a)    Starch

(b)   Oil and lipids

(c)    Proteins

(d)   Water and oil

Q280. Smallest cell organelle which called cell engine is

(a)    Ribosome

(b)   Lysosome

(c)    Vacuoles

(d)   Endoplasmic reticulum

Q281. The ribosomes are made up of –

(a)    DNA+protein

(b)   RNA + protein

(c)    DNA +RNA

(d)   None of these

Q282. Functional unit of Chloroplast is

(a)    Stroma

(b)   Quantasome

(c)    Oxysome

(d)   Peroxysomes

Q283. Cilia and flagella both have-

(a)    9 + 2 arrangment of microtubules

(b)   Protective structure of cell

(c)    Only present in protozoa

(d)   Only outgrowth structure of cytoplasm

Q284. Centrioles and centrosome are presente in cells of :-

(a)    Animals

(b)   Bacteria

(c)    Greencells

(d)   Cyanobacteria

Q285. Similarity bet, plant and animal flagella microtubules –

(a)    9 +3

(b)   9 + 2

(c)    9 + 6

(d)   9 + 1

Q286. Ribosomes are produced in-

(a)    Nucleus

(b)   .cytoplasm3

(c)    Mytochondria

(d)   Golgi body

Q287. Which of the following pair lack the unit membrane

(a)    Nucleus and ER

(b)   Mitochondria and chloroplast

(c)    Ribosome and nucleus

(d)   Golgi body and lysosomes

Q288. Golgi body is concerned with-

(a)    Respiration

(b)   Secretion

(c)    Excretion

(d)   Degradation

Q289. Three of the following statement regarding cell organelles are correct while one is wrong. Which one is wrong?

(a)    Lysosomes are double membrane vesicles budded off from golgi apparatus and contain digestive enzymes

(b)   Endoplasmic reticulum consists of network of membranes tubules and helps in transport, synthesis and secretion.

(c)    Leucoplast are bound by two membrane lack pigment but contain their own DNA and protein synthesizing machinery

(d)   Spharosomes are single membrane bound and are associated with synthesis and storage of lipids

Q290. In which of the following would you expect to find glyoxysomes?

(a)    Endosperm of wheat

(b)   Endosperm of castor

(c)    Palisade cell in leaf

(d)   Root hair

Q291. Which of the following statement regarding cilia is not correct

(a)    Cilia contain an outer of 9 doublet microtubules surrounding two single microtubules

(b)   The organised beating of cilia is controlled by flukes of Ca2+ across the membrane

(c)    Cilia are hair like cellular appendages

(d)   Microtubules of cilia are composed of tubulin

Q292. The contractile protein of skeletal muscle involving ATPase activity is

(a)    Alpha –Actinie

(b)   Troponine

(c)    Tropomyosin

(d)   Myosin

Q293. Select the wrong statement from the following

(a)    Both chloroplast and mitochondria contain an inner and outer membrane

(b)   Both chloroplast and mitochondria have an internal compartment, the thylakoid space bounded by thylakoid membrane.

(c)    Both chloroplast and mitochondria contain DNA

(d)   The chloroplast are generally much larger than mitochondria. 


Q294. Who first observed nucleus?

(a)    Robert Brown

(b)   Hammerling

(c)    Leeuwenhoek

(d)   Strasburgar

Q295. ____ is double membrane bound dense protoplasmic body , which controls all cellular metabolism and encloses the genetic information of cell

(a)    Mitochondria

(b)   DNA

(c)    Nucleus

(d)   Gene

Q296. Nucleus is considered as controller or director. The experiment to prove it was done on-

(a)    Chaladomonas

(b)   Ulothrix

(c)    Acetabularia

(d)   None

Q297. If this organelle is removed the cell of unicellular organism , organism will die immediately?

(a)    Vacuole

(b)   Nucleus

(c)    Mitochondria

(d)   Any of these

Q298. Nucleus is absent in-

(a)    Sieve tube element

(b)   Mature RBCs of mammals

(c)    RBcs of lamma

(d)    Two of the above

Q299. Nucleus is-

(a)    Double membrane

(b)   Single membrane

(c)    Membrane less

(d)   Triple membrane

Q300. Perinuclear space is –

(a)    100-200 A

(b)   200-300 A

(c)    100- 500 A


(d)   100-1000A 

Reference no: EM131121560

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