ANPH 1001 Anatomy and Physiology - Challenge Assignment

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Reference no: EM132406945 , Length: word count:750

ANPH 1001 Anatomy and Physiology - Challenge Assignment, NorQuest College, Canada

Scenario 1 - Amanda had been on the go the entire day. Her busy schedule had included a job interview, a class presentation, and an unmerciful anatomy and physiology exam she would rather not discuss. Once home, she was determined to head straight for bed, but there was one minor complication. She hadn't managed to eat anything in the midst of all the day's activities. While scrambling to put together a fast and easy meal at home, she inadvertently touched one of the hot burners on the stove. Fortunately, she reacted by jerking back her hand before any damage was done. A short time later Amanda felt pain on her hand where it had been exposed to the hot burner. After telling her mother about her eventful day and her narrow escape, Amanda's mother asked her about her hand. Amanda replied, "I'm fine, but it could have been much worse."

Questions -

1. What components of the nervous system are involved in physical sensation?

2. Describe the pathway that sensory impulses follow through the body.

3. What components of the nervous system are involved in skeletal muscle movement?

4. Describe the pathway that motor impulses follow through the body.

Scenario 2 - Marisa, a petite, Caucasian, 15-year-old, just learned this morning that her 50-year-old menopausal grandmother, with whom she has lived since the death of her parents, was diagnosed with osteoporosis after visiting her doctor because of chronic hip and wrist pain. Marisa has no idea what osteoporosis is or what it does to the body. All she knows is that her grandmother is the only close living relative she has and she can't fathom losing another loved one.

Questions -

1. Describe the three types of cells that make up bone tissue.

2. Which cells are responsible for the decrease in bone density?

3. Identify and describe the three major hormones used to regulates calcium levels in the bones and blood.

4. Explain how estrogen affects calcium levels in bones.

Scenario 3 - Frank was an all-around athlete in high school. He played football in the fall, wrestled during the winter, and was a sprinter on the track team during the spring. After graduation, Frank attended State University to study American history. In order to focus on his studies, he decided not to participate in team sports. However, he worked out at the gym almost every day and became interested in bodybuilding. Although Frank had a muscular body and was very strong, his muscles weren't as large as most body builders who were of similar height.

Frank became friends with several students who had experience competing in body-building events. He asked them for some training advice and all of them agreed that anabolic steroids were the only way Frank could build the muscle mass required for competition. One of his friends offered to get the steroids and show him how to use them. Frank agreed and began administering himself injections of trenbolone acetate which has a chemical structure similar to that of testosterone, the naturally occurring hormone that is produced by the testicles, but is approximately three times more potent that testosterone.

Because Frank was an avid weight lifter and worked out for at least 60 minutes each day, he experienced an increase in strength and larger muscles within two months. However, he became quite alarmed because his testicles had shrunk to about 25% of their original size.

Questions -

1. What is the function of testosterone?

2. Describe the feedback system related to the secretion of testosterone.

3. How is Frank's testicular atrophy related to the steroid use?

Attachment:- Anatomy and Physiology Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132406945

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ANPH 1001 Anatomy and Physiology - Challenge Assignment : ANPH 1001 Anatomy and Physiology - Challenge Assignment, Homework Help, NorQuest College, Canada. How is Frank's testicular atrophy related to the steroid use
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