Reference no: EM132777990
Identify the cognitive (preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational) stage and processes the children are showing in the following situations. Other responses from which to choose include assimilation, accommodation, egocentrism, reversibility, centration, inability/ability to conserve, animism and object permanence. Answers may be used more than once or not at all.
1. Lee likes chocolate popsicles, but his big brother likes banana ones best. When Lee went to the store without his brother, he bought him back a chocolate popsicle.
2. Suzy was going on a vacation to Barkerville with her parents. She told her mom that she wanted to take her teddy bear, Elliott, because he would be lonely if he stayed at home. Her mom agreed to this, but said that Elliott would need to go in her suitcase for the flight out to B.C. Little Suzy burst into tears on hearing this, exclaiming, "But it's dark in my suitcase -- he will be so scared!"
3 A five year old child who can ice skate quite well goes roller-blading for the very first time. She keeps trying to move her skates forward instead of from side to side. As a result, she's falling and becoming very frustrated. What would Piaget say is necessary before she can learn this new skill?
4. A nine-year-old boy is told to share three cookies with his four-year-old sister. He gave her one cookie and kept two for himself. She threatened to tell their mother that he wasn't being fair. To appease her, he broke her cookie in two and gave her the two pieces. She was happy with this.
5. When 9 month old Leah was younger, her mother could take a noisy rattle away from her and she would quickly divert her attention to another toy. Now, however, she cries and searches for the rattle long after it has been taken from her. Identify the cognitive stage of this child and, according to Piaget, the change that has occurred.
6. John and Patrick go trick or treating on Halloween night. They visit the same houses and get exactly the same treats. However, when they get home, Patrick is upset because his brother's bag (which is smaller than his) is filled to the top and his is only ¾ full.
7. Martin loves to ask hypothetical questions which involve stepping through a logical inference process to answer. According to Piaget, at what stage of cognitive development is Martin?
8. You have made a deal with a four year old to eat a small piece of a new vegetable before she leaves the table to play. When the child refuses, you consider cutting the vegetable into several pieces to make it easier for the child to eat. What is wrong with this idea?
9. Nine year old Ken sees a contest in the candy store. There is a goldfish bowl filled with multicolored jelly beans. There are 20 red jelly beans, 20 green jelly beans, 30 yellow jelly beans, and 10 black jelly beans. The contest asks, Are there more yellow jelly beans or are there more jelly beans. Will Ken answer correctly?
10. When asked what the saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" means, Patrice said that it meant that you can provide someone with an opportunity, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they will take advantage of it.
11. When Duane headed out on his "big expedition", he wasn't worried about getting lost. He knew that he would just have to go back the same way he had come.
12. While watching television with his dad, Bryce kept trying to grab the remote control. Finally, his dad hid the remote control behind his back. That didn't seem to bother Bryce a bit, he just started reaching for the family cat and attempted to put her tail in his mouth.