Analyzing the murder case

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Reference no: EM1333485

 When iracing the issues. Please break apart each elements and prove it up based on the facts.

Doug was watching television in his apartment. There was a loud party outside that was making it hard for Doug to watch television. Doug yelled out his window for them to quiet down, and Tom yelled back an obscenity to which Doug responded in kind. Tom angered, ran upstairs to Doug's apartment and banged on the door. When Doug did not answer the door, Tom then tried the door and found Doug had left it unlocked. Tom entered Doug's apartment and threatened to beat Doug badly, to which Doug, fearing for his life, grabbed a gun in a nearby drawer, and shot and killed Tom. Doug then panicked and fled. Doug was arrested three days later.

a) Can Doug be convicted of murder or any lesser included offenses?


Reference no: EM1333485

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