Reference no: EM133750068
Question: Write a report of a minimum of 1000 words for each of the four events. Analyzing the history of each event makes up a good part of your grade for the project. I will be looking to see that you analyze the event/subject and show critical thinking about what happened, who was involved and their diverse nature, how the people involved interacted with their society, what else was going on at the time (historical context), how civic engagement was involved (or could have been), why it was important then, why it's important now, and how it relates to broader aspects of US history or other factors.
- Each report should have a minimum of 1000 words that includes:
o Name of Event, Location City, Date of Event in bold print at top of report.
o Description (this should be a paragraph or two): Give a brief overview of the event and where it occurred. What was going on? Who was involved? What were their demographics (race, ethnicity, religion, employment, gender, language, age, etc.)? How did they interact with society?
Analysis (this should be the bulk of your report): Research and analyze the subject/event. Talk about the diverse people who are involved. Get into the story. The following questions should help you frame your analysis. You should answer all the questions below for each report and really analyze the choices made and the significance of those actions. The goal is to show how local (maybe individual) actions have bigger consequences (like in the case of civic engagement) and, if no civic engagement occurred, to think critically about why that was and hypothesize about how civic engagement could have been used.
• What conflict existed? What were their competing interests/stories?
• What diverse factors were at play? Did the person's background affect their experience and how they interacted with others at that time?
• What were conditions like at the time? What else was going on at that time in US/world history that may have played a role in this subject?
• Was one group trying to change something? If so, what kind of change were they attempting to achieve? How would this change affect the other side?
• What were the choices available and what choices were made? What were the consequences of those choices and effects of the actions taken?
• How did individuals use their voice and/or actions in the public realm to try to make change? If they didn't use their voice/actions, why do you think this was? How might they have been civically engaged to address a matter of public concern?
• What can be learned from this event? Was there change? Was one group successful or not successful?
• Why was this event important then? Why is important now? How does this event fit into our history-the story of us?
• Give your final thoughts on the event that played out. What does this event symbolize to you? You may want to ask family/friends if they are aware of the event that occurred at that site and see what they know of its history.