Analyzing the ethical decision-making process

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132225889

Question: Ethics paper requirements

1. Choose one of the following real-life cases involving an ethical dilemma:

• Betty Vinson from WorldCom (in the textbook)

• Jeffrey Skilling at Enron (in additional reading links for this Unit;)

• Michael Vines at HealthSouth (in the textbook)

2. Write a paper, approximately three pages (plus Bibliography and title page), analyzing the ethical decision-making process the person involved in the dilemma may have undertaken, using the format described below. You will need to research other sources in order to write a credible paper. You will also have to apply critical thinking skills and analysis.

3. Formatting requirements: Double-spaced, 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font, one inch margins.

4. Bibliography citing the textbook and other web or book sources from which you gathered information. Minimum number of sources for "B" grade: 3.

5. Make sure that you are concise. Headers and bullet-points are encouraged for clarity.

6. Suggested structure for the paper:

• Paragraph one: Clearly describe the main ethical dilemma facing the decision maker you have chosen. You may want to describe how or why the dilemma arose.

• Paragraph two: Describe what the decision-maker ACTUALLY did, and the Kohlberg stage that the decision-maker was acting at and why it applies. Then delineate the positive and negative consequences that arose or may have arisen from that choice. These should be done as headers with bullet points, for clarity.

• Paragraph three: Identify a different possible course of action that could have been taken, and the Kohlberg stage that would lead to that choice.

Again, bullet multiple positive and negative consequences for the individual--this time making sure that you include consequences for the company and the relevant stakeholders.

• Paragraph four: Identify a second possible course of action that could have been taken. Continue with the same requirements as Paragraph three.

• Paragraph five (and six)--OPTIONAL--add additional courses of action and analyze as above

• Last paragraph: Discuss briefly what YOU would do in the situation and why (based on Kohlberg and other considerations). Write a concluding sentence that summarizes the theme of your paper.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- Ethicspaperrequirements.rar

Reference no: EM132225889

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