Reference no: EM132990302
SIT202 Secure Networking
Learning objactive
How tha data balng transported in tha IP network.
You should be able to:
1. Describe "Internet Protocol"
2. Explain the data plane operation of the Network layer.
2. Build a simple network in Cisco Packet Tracer and simulate the network you built.
This class activity is designed to be worked through aEtive participation and collaborating with peers under the guidance of the teaching team in the c lass. The active classes are designed to be interactiva, and they are here for you to extend your learning. However, thesa classes will only holp you to enhance your learning if you come prepared. To worh on tha class actlvi€las, you wlll ba axpactad to hava complHad sha Matwork Layar-Data Plana Modula. You need to have a basic understanding of layered model. TCP/IP, and data plane operation of the network layor. If you are not familiar with any of the above, please head back to the Cloudoeakin unit site and complete the relevant modules before sta rting this act ive class.
The activa classas are related to assessment tasks on OnTrack. AfEer learning about different concepts from the content proc ided in the unit site, you will expand on this knowledge by working on activities designed to put these concepts in practice during the active classes and submiE the completed task to OnTrack in the sama week. The teaching team will guide and support your learning during these activities. This will help you manage your time and tasks botter to avoid tasks piling up towards the deadlines. If you do not complete these activities in class, you will noed to work oa them in your own time, with limited support from us available.
The class act ivitios are split into throw parts. First, you will analyse IP data grams using Wireshark. Then. you will conduct a group discussion and a role pla y to understand IP and data plane operation of the network layer. Finally, you will use Cisco Packet Tracer to build a small network and simulate the network to undorstaod the packet forwarding, IP configuration and subaet ma sk.
Activity 1: Analyzing IP uslng Wireshark
Now you are familiar with Wireshark. Therefore, you should be able to analyze protocols and packets with less instructions provided. Today, you are going to analyze IP (protocol). You nead to first capture the packets of a couple of network applications (web browsing, MSTeams).
Then. select DHS/HTTP request message/ TCP /UDP packet that is sent from your davico and expand Ehe Internet Protocol part of the packet in the packet details window.
Lesson Reviews
At the completion of Network Layer-Data Plane Module, you are required to fill a lesson review to tell us what you have learnt and how you have learnt it by providing evidence of your learning. Your tutor will then review your submission and will give you feedback. If your submission is incomplete, then your tutor will ask you to include missing parts. You tutor may ask follow-up questions, either to clarify something, or to double check your understanding of certain concepts.
The lesson review must contain three parts:
1. Module Summary
Please provide an overview of what you have learnt in Network Layer-Data Plane Module. Throughout the activities and resources on the unit site, you will find prompts that help you fill this part. More specifically, you need to answer the following questions:
• Summarising the content
To make it easier to summarise the content of the module, you can break down these questions by learning objective, or by activity, as is suggested on the unit site and in the activity sheet.
• Summarise the main points in this module. Make sure that you include references to the learning objectives.
• How is this useful?
• Reflecting on the content
Provide a reflection by answering the following questions:
• What is the most important thing you learnt in this module?
• How does this relate to what you already know?
• Why do you think your course team wants you to learn the content of this module?
2. Evidence of Learning
Provide evidence of your work on this module. This can contain notes that you took, activities and analyses you have done in the active classes rated to this module, and any other work that you produced. You can take screenshots of your analyses and simulations and include in here. If you have developed an application/ program (for example using Python), then please also provide the code along with the submission labelling the code. If you used external resources in your learning, please include links to them. Please also make sure to include short comments together with your evidence. You can,
• Provide references to activities that you have done to highlight your learning on the key learning objectives of this module and active class. Make sure that you provide evidence for the all the activities you have done in the relevant Active Classes.
• Provide references to any specific content that you found difficult, how you overcame these difficulties, and what you learnt from them.
• Include questions where you made mistakes and comment what you learnt from those mistakes, or how you overcame them.
1. Evidence of self-assessment, with a sufficient score (at least 90%).
Please include evidence that you reached the minimum required score at the self-assessment. On the results page of the self-assessment, you can use print/ save page as pdf option in your browser to save the results into a pdf file. You can then upload this file as your evidence.
Remember, anytime you submit a task to OnTrack, it is a good practice to check the status of any existing tasks, and the future tasks you are expected to complete. If you have received feedback on previous tasks, you may need to fix and resubmit some of your work. You want to check out why, so that you can learn from this and make it faster and easier to accomplish later work to the required standard.
Attachment:- Secure