Analyzing and forming an opinion of that action

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132219778

Question: United States v. Jones, 565 U.S. (2012).

Assignment Instructions: Case law often takes time. The actions of those in the field occur in seconds and those on the bench may take days, weeks, months, even years, analyzing and forming an opinion of that action. You should expect to spend a great deal of time reviewing, often multiple times, a court decision. As judges often have a great deal of time when writing decisions, as opposed to those in the field who must often must rely instinctively and on past training to take immediate action, judicial opinions are often long and drawn out. While the length and volume may pose a hurdle, generally the writing style poses a greater hurdle. This style is often very subtle and complicated as key words, phrases, or points are frequently glanced over on a first reading. It is up to you identify the core of the controversy and accurately identify the court's ruling. This involves summarizing and condensing in brief and concise form the nature of the issue at hand, the judicial opinion, and the ruling (Krislov, 1972).

Weeks 3, 5 and 8, you will be required to submit a case brief of the assigned case. Each brief represents your analysis of the assigned case. Each brief is worth 16% of your overall grade in the course. Grades for these papers will reflect a combination of form, logic, flow, grammar, spelling, APA format, and demonstrated understanding of principles. These case briefs of 4-6 [double spaced] pages each, when completed, should help your develop your critical thinking/analysis skills. These must be submitted during the week assigned. Late papers will result in the automatic loss of a letter grade.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- CaseBriefTemplate.rar

Reference no: EM132219778

Questions Cloud

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Analyzing and forming an opinion of that action : Case law often takes time. The actions of those in the field occur in seconds and those on the bench may take days, weeks, months, even years, analyzing.
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What is the value for variable costs : What is the value for variable costs when each firm is producing its optimum output?
Mindful of when going through grievance process : List three key points or best practices you must be mindful of when going through a grievance process with an employee.


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