Reference no: EM131793295
Assignment 1 - Statistical Inference 3
Use a provided data file to make a statistical inference to answer a hypothetical question. Write a 1-2 page report to summarize your analysis.
Managers must be able to apply statistical inference to business decisions. For example, a manager might have to determine if there is a statistical significance in the time of day and the habits of people while at the mall.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Evaluate the quality and fit of data for use in business analysis.
- Determine the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for making decisions regarding customer tendencies.
Competency 3: Analyze business decision opportunities using basic inferential statistics.
- Compute the ANOVA values to indicate acceptance or rejection of a null hypothesis regarding customer tendencies.
- Compute the appropriate statistical test to determine acceptance or rejection of a null hypothesis.
Competency 5: Apply data analysis to general business management planning and decision making.
- Create a management report summarizing statistical analysis on customer shopping tendencies.
Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
- Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Assessment Instructions -
Use the Mall Time Interview Results file, linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading, to complete the calculations for this scenario.
Practical Application Scenario
As the food court manager at the Mall of Elbonia, you want to determine how much time customers spend at the mall at different times of the week (for example: midweek, day; midweek, evening; weekend, day; weekend, evening). Last week, the mall survey staff administered a random survey to mall visitors by selecting customers as they were leaving the mall. One of the questions asked was how much time the customer had spent in the mall on that day.
The findings from this study are provided in the Mall Time Interview Results file. In this file, Columns A through D show the time spent by the customers interviewed, according to the weekday and time of day when the interviews occurred.
Is there any statistically significant difference (at alpha = .05) in the average amount of time people spent in the mall, based on the weekday and time? To determine the answer to that question, you need to complete the following:
- Identify the null and alternative hypotheses you should form for this test. State each as a written explanation and as a math equation.
- Identify the appropriate statistical test you should use to accept or reject the null hypothesis.
- Calculate the appropriate ANOVA values to accept or reject your null and alternative hypotheses.
What should you tell the operators of the Mall of Elbonia's food court stores (in terms of the mall's high-traffic times and customer tendencies)? Summarize your statistical analysis in a report for management.
Assignment 2 - Data Analysis and Management
Analyze a provided data file for a scenario and write a 2-4 page management report detailing your findings and recommendations based on the results.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Evaluate the quality and fit of data for use in business analysis.
- Analyze data to develop conclusions that address management concerns regarding campus crime rates.
Competency 2: Analyze business decision opportunities using descriptive statistics.
- Analyze ethical considerations in the collection and analysis of descriptive statistics data to support decision making.
Competency 3: Analyze business decision opportunities using basic inferential statistics.
- Compute a statistical test to determine acceptance or rejection of a null hypothesis.
- Analyze a 95 percent confidence interval solution using provided data.
Competency 5: Apply data analysis to general business management planning and decision making.
- Compile findings into a management report with details for recommended actions.
Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
- Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Assessment Instructions - To complete this assessment, use data analysis software and the Campus Crime Data Excel file, linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading. The Excel file contains two data sheets:
The Campus Crime Data for Minnesota (2009-2011) page provides actual data generated by the U.S. Department of Education's Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool.
The Campus Crime Data Codebook explains the labels used in the Campus Crime Data sheet.
Practical Application Scenario
As a result of recent campus safety concerns at Capella University, you have been engaged by campus security team leaders to gather and analyze data about on-campus crime rates in schools in the state of Minnesota. Crime data from 181 Minnesota campuses has been compiled in the Campus Crime Data file.
1. Write a management report for campus security team leaders analyzing and evaluating campus crime data for Minnesota. Include your findings and recommendations for your clients. In your report, be sure to examine the following:
2. Identify what crimes were most commonly committed on Minnesota campuses between 2009 and 2011. Based on the data, would you say the crime rates decreased or increased from 2009 to 2011?
3. The campus security leaders believe that the total crime rate in public institutions is more than that in private institutions. They have asked you to test that hypothesis. Describe your results.
4. Your clients would also like you to develop a 95 percent confidence interval for the difference in total campus crime rates between public and private institutions in Minnesota. Report your results.
5. Analyze what ethical issues, if any, should concern you in conducting your research.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar