Analyzing and designing processes

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132993615

Select an organisation that you are familiar with and critically evaluate the following:


Process Selection and Process Measures
Heizer and Render advises that when analyzing and designing processes to transform resources into goods, the following questions should be asked:
• Is the process designed to achieve competitive advantage in terms of differentiation, response or low cost?
• Does the process eliminate steps that do not add value?
• Does the process maximize customer value as perceived by the customer?
• Will the process win orders?

A Time-Function Map is similar to a flow process chart, but with time added to the horizontal axis. With time-function mapping, notes indicate the activities and arrows indicate the flow direction, with time on the horizontal axis.

1.1 Choose a process within your organisation and construct a Baseline Time-Function Map.

1.2 Analyse the process and demonstrate how you would improve it.

QUESTION 2 - Total Quality Management

2.1 A Check Sheet and Pareto chart is one of the TQM tools that mangers use to document and improve quality within their organisations. Identify an area in your organisation that requires imporvement and then construct a Check Sheet and Pareto Chart.
2.2 Analyse the above and provide a plan of action to improve quality.

QUESTION 3 - Competative Strategies
Once an organisation's mission has been established, it can begin to identify its strategy and implement it. Strategy is an organisation's action plan to achieve its mission. Heizer and Render suggest that firms can achieve their missions in three conceptual ways:
• Differentiation
• Cost Leadership
• Quick Response

Select a product or service within your organisation and demonstrate how you could achieve a competitive edge thorugh any one of the strategies listed above.

Marks are awarded for the application of knowledge. Simply providing theory or submitting organisation's documents would be insufficient. You must demonstrate that learning has taken place. For the purposes of this assignment, you may leave out the name of the organisation so that any information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Attachment:- Process Selection and Process Measures.rar

Reference no: EM132993615

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