Reference no: EM13905807
For this assignment you will develop a 10 - 12 page paper critically analyzing a lifespan development topic of interest. The paper must include summaries and synthesis of 6 - 8 scholarly PEER REVIEWED articles retrieved from the our school online library. The paper must not be merely one summary after another with no meaningful connections between them, but rather should include, following a description of and careful review and critique of the summaries, descriptions of how they are related to one another. This is done via transition statements between descriptions of the various summaries such that the paper interweaves all the articles into a coherent and well-articulated review of scholarly publications related to the paper topic focus. The paper will end with a minimum of three paragraphs summarizing points made and articulating suggestions for future research directions arising from the article reviews.
Direct quotes are strongly discouraged but if used, they do not count toward minimum page length. If you use a direct quote, you also need to paraphrase the same information so it can be evident that you understand what the original author was saying. Academic articles to supplement the final case study analysis cannot be older than 10 years (so those articles published in 2004 and earlier are unacceptable), and all articles must be from the APUS library. Be sure to include the DOI numbers if available and/or clickable links as dictated by APA formatting.
The 10-12 minimum page length is for the written narrative only, and does not include the title page, abstract, reference page, and any graphics should you choose to include charts, illustrations, etc.
As this is a formal paper, APA formatting dictates the following be incorporated into your paper:
Title page, abstract, header (AKA running head), page numbers, and reference page. You will also he held to APA standards with regard to font size, indentaitons/margins, and proper within text citations as well as the reference page.
On submission your work will auto-run through's plagiarism checker software. A report that reveals five or more words from the original source have been used verbatim will result in a zero assignment score without option for revision and resubmission to recoup lost points and will also be reported to the school for academic review. You are strongly cautioned not to use direct quotes even if they are in proper APA formatting, because I can only grade based on paraphrased material. Submitting quoted text only tells me that you know where to look for the information, not that you can synthesize and understand the material clearly enough to reiterate it in your own words.
This assignment submission will be evaluated based on:
- The above requirements.
- The degree to which the article summaries are truly integrated; arbitrary statements of "This is related to that" without supporting evidence of an actual connection will result in a significant point deduction.
- Evidence of academically mature insight and use of critical thinking skills in analyzing and relating the articles.
- Clear and thorough articulation of the paper's key points in a well organized logical progression of ideas.
- Compliance with APA paper formatting standards.
- Minimal to no grammar, spelling or basic writing errors
- You MAY NOT re-submit any material used in previous classes.