Reference no: EM131378438
Part One - Editing and Short Response
A. Editing
Find and correct these errors in the unedited passage. Show your corrections on the document by editing in a different colour. Please your corrections on this document. You will not have to rewrite sentences or phrases but can do simple editing corrections.
1 The world has seen a nearly four-fold increase in diabetes cases over the last quarter-century, driven by excessive weight, obesity, aging and population growth, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported Wednesday, adding that 422 million people were affected in 2014.
2 In a new report on diabetes, the U.N. health agency calling for stepped-up measures. To reduce risk factors for diabetes. And improve treatment and care. WHO said 8.5 per cent of the world population. Had diabetes two years ago, up from 4.7 per cent, or 108 million, in 1980.
3 "we need to rethink our daily lives: to eat healthily, be physically active and avoid excessive weight gain," WHO Director-General dr. margaret chan say wednesday.
4 the geneva-based agency blamed growing. Consumption of food and beverages high in sugar for the increase in diabetes. the disease increased around the world but affects lower- and middle-income people more often. Than wealthier populations.
5 diabetes rates rose the most in africa. The middle east and asia - with the "eastern mediterranean" region more than doubling its prevalence to 13.7 per cent of the population. The only world region with a double-digit percentage.
6 diabetes be a chronic condition. In which the body either do not make enough insulin to break down the sugar in foods or uses insulin inefficiently. It can cause early death or serious complications like blindness, stroke, kidney disease, amputation and heart disease.
7 in its report, who says diabetes causing 1.5 million deaths, In 2012, and another 2.2 million deaths were caused by high blood sugar levels, increasing the risks of cardiovascular and other diseases.
8 the report does not distinguish between type 1 diabetes, where the body cannot make enough insulin and require daily insulin injections for survival. And type 2, where the body can no longer producing enough insulin to keep blood sugar at a normal level. type 2 diabetes are more often linked to obesity. And relatively sedentary lifestyles.
9 the increase have coincided with growing rates of obesity - in the u.s and britain, two-thirds of people be now overweight or obese.
10 the report said who are updating its guidelines. On fat and carbohydrate intake, but say adults can reducing their risk of type 2 diabetes through regular exercise and a healthy diet that cuts back on sugary foods.
Part Two -
Students are given assigned readings to help them with English, to provide sources for writing commentary, and to encourage students to think beyond themselves and toward important issues. Which of the assigned readings is the most interesting or important for new international students in Canada?
Construct a personal or instructive paragraph that recommends two of the following readings to a new international student. Give your reason for choosing the reading as your main idea. Be sure to support your choice. You may use any pattern of development and the first person. Try to otherwise use suitable academic language and stye.
Use the full writing process and label each section clearly. You may use selections that you have used, before, but you must write a new and unique paragraph. The choices are:
· "Letter", by Judith MacKenzie
· "The Importance of Cooking Dinner", by Nancy Eng
· "The Many Forms of Literacy", by Silver Donald Cameron
· "Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name", by James Lincoln Collier
· "Have You Seen My Missing Math Gene?", by Tony Wong
· "Language Out, Style In", by Jerry Amernic
· "My Financial Career" by Stephen Leacock
Part Three - Paragraph Two - Academic Paragraph from online sources
Choose one reading from the following choices of online articles. Write a paragraph which analyzes an issue in an academic manner and expresses an idea important to you and your peers. Use the given reading and your insight to develop and support your paragraph. [Note that the last names are given in a bold font, but do not use bold print in your paragraph.]
Try to construct an idea that is relevant, interesting, or important to international or Canadian students, their teachers or friends, or that shows how the idea may apply in your home culture.
Use the full writing process and label each section clearly.
Use academic language and structure in the third person and reference in MLA style if necessary. Outside research is not required, but if you do use any, be sure to cite it completely. Choose whichever academic pattern of development you think is suitable, but be sure to indicate that in your topic sentence.