Reference no: EM132221599
Question: View the videos and share how the various aspects in the video apply to you current or previous work experience. What terms or ideas that you saw were most important to you? Explain why you think they are important to organizations or managers? You must reference these terms with intext citations in proper APA format. If you mention a term or concept that is not your own, then you must put a reference at the end of the sentence from either the video or the textbook in APA format. This discussion assignment should be much more then book report of you re-stating what happened in the video. The goal is for you to analyze what took place in the context of the terms in the book. Your post must be at least 300 words long. YOU MUST ALSO POST TO THE POSTS OF 3 DIFFERENT CLASSMATES TO GET FULL CREDIT.
1. The Biggest Mistake a Leader Can Make (By Harvard Business Review)
2. Servant Leadership: How a jar can change the way you lead and serve | Ali Fett
3. The Best Leadership Development Strategy- Marcus Buckingham (By Harvard Business Review)
4. The Perfect Boss: Dr. Axel Zein at TEDxStuttgart
5. How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek
To get full credit you must fully address the following:
Use the information below as a checklist to ensure that you will get full credit.
1. Post was minimum of 300 words and you must post to at least twice to another classmate post or post to two different classmates which a post that asked a question or makes a comment that is more than 30 words long.
2. Analyzed and synthesizes theory and/or practice to develop new ideas and ways of conceptualizing and applying course content.
3. Addressed relevance to current trends/events/climate in the industry.
4. Built on the discussion by adding own examples, course materials, asking questions, etc.
5. Responded to the question with intext citations in APA format. (This means paragraphs must have references embedded in them.Note: Wikipedia and blog Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
View the link below:
1. In-Text Citations Made Easy (APA) (By David Taylor)
2. APA Style 6th Ed.: In-Text Citations, Quotations, and Plagiarism (By Samuel Forlenza)
3. Article: How to Create a Reference for a YouTube Video (By Stefanie)
6. Used multiple terms and concepts from the course text, readings, and media to support answers. These terms must be cited in proper APA format.
7. Analyzed and synthesizes theory and/or practice to develop new ideas and ways of conceptualizing and applying course content.
8. Addressed relevance to current trends/events/climate.
9. Built on the discussion by adding own examples, course materials, asking questions, etc.
10. Demonstrated graduate level writing with correct grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, and APA format.
11. Wrote in full paragraphs with a sentence structure and paragraph structure of responses are clear, logical, and easy to follow. The M.E.A.L writing approach is often the most effective. Link on the writing approach:
1. Tutorial 7: MEAL Paragraph Writing (By Kevin Zimmerman)
2. Paragraph MEAL Plan (By Kathrine Yets)
3. Introduction to Paragraphs and the MEAL Plan (By WUWritingCenter)
Use the above items as a checklist that your assignment is complete before your final submission.