Analyzed and defined the cultural and ethnic background

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Reference no: EM13825742

Question: Cultural Autobiography

The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate recognition of your own cultural background and how your worldview has been shaped by your family, role models and life experiences. This autobiography will help you express an appreciation for your own cultural identity and discover potential areas of development.

Begin by defining individuals that you consider family members. This includes, for example, parents or guardians, siblings and/or grandparents. Important information about these individuals includes places of birth, travel (if any), age, spiritual/religious beliefs, occupation, educational history, ethnicity, birth order, etc. In this description include the cultural heritage each individual and summarize the belief system of your family in general, including specific family values, religious and cultural practices, ceremonies, beliefs, and holiday celebrations. If possible, interview these individuals in an effort to gain new insight into your cultural heritage.

Next critically evaluate experiences in which you feel have had significant relevance in your multicultural development. Include both positive and negative experiences if applicable.

After taking a look at these influencing factors, critically examine and discuss who you are as a cultural being, including your racial identity. Think about your own development, functioning, values, behaviors and worldview and how you feel your family history, chosen role models, and experiences have shaped you. Describe how your life would be different had these cultural influences not been there. Be sure to include a description of interpersonal expectations for yourself and lifestyle choices. Finally, having taken a close look at your cultural autobiography, include potential biases which may influence how you interact with others. This could include, for example, favoring individuals of your own heritage or unconscious biases towards a certain cultural group.

Be sure to address each topic listed above and, as appropriate, cite the online course, the textbook, and other credible sources to substantiate the points you are making. For example, when discussing your racial identity please cite sources which you have referenced to better understand what this term means or use the text or lecture to substantiate points you are making about how gender has influenced your cultural development.

Maximum Points

Analyzed and defined the cultural and ethnic background of family members and/or role models from personal life.

Defined cultural customs, rituals, or religious practices important to shaping personal life.

Critically evaluates experiences of significant relevance in personal multicultural development.

Critically examines and discusses personal cultural being including development, functioning, values, behaviors and worldview. Discusses how family history, chosen role models, and experiences contributed.

Discusses personal racial identity.

Discusses how life may have been different without cultural influences.

Describes interpersonal expectations for lifestyle choices.

Properly cites two or more eternal scholarly references.

Organization: Introduction, transitions, and conclusion

Usage and Mechanics: Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure

APA Elements: In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style

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Reference no: EM13825742

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