Analyze your standard and gain in-depth knowledge

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Reference no: EM133546308


Choose one CCR Standard in the CORE subject area of your choice. (Steps to access standards)

Select English, Science, Math, or Socials Studies CCRS standards.

Use the Resource "Unpacking the Standards" document to analyze your standard and gain in-depth knowledge about what you must teach to mastery to your students.

Reference no: EM133546308

Questions Cloud

Which of the aspects you have researched could be included : BSBTWK 501- Identify what is potentially lacking and which of the aspects you have researched could be included.
List and explain the benefits and constraints associated : PROJ-605 Fundamentals of Project Management, Saskatchewan Polytechnic - List and explain the Benefits and Constraints associated to this project
Evaluate the resources for quality accuracy and effectivenes : Explain how content and skill development can be supported by the resources. Evaluate the resources for quality, accuracy, and effectiveness.
How might the theory help frame your work : How has the theory changed and evolved since its original development? How might this theory help frame your work?
Analyze your standard and gain in-depth knowledge : EDU 501- Analyze your standard and gain in-depth knowledge about what you must teach to mastery to your students.
Create all entities with appropriate attributes : Create all entities with appropriate attributes. Select appropriate data types for all fields. Translate business requirements into integrity constraints.
Writing a simple python program which asks the user to input : Writing a simple Python program which asks the user to input a value for x, and then prints the result of the following mathematical expression
Identify a personal project of your choosing : Identify a personal project of your choosing. This could be a family vacation, plans to clean or organize a part of your living space, etc.
What is the purpose of diffie-hellman protocol : What is the purpose of Diffie-Hellman (DF) protocol? How does DF work by describing the Diffie-Hellman (DH) function and the discrete logarithm problem?


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