Analyze your interview and selection process

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133583031

  • Review the Learning Resources on recruitment and selection of job applicants. Pay particular attention to Chapter 5 of your Fried & Fottler text on the interview process and developing practical interview questions. Also, review the document, "Recruitment and Selection Plan: Guidelines and Worksheet," found in the Week 2 Learning Resources, to assist your preparation for the Module 1 Assignment.
  • Based on the job description you selected and revised, Bed Management Nurse, develop a plan for interviewing and evaluating candidates for the Bed Management Nurse. Include the following:
    • Consider the competencies and KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes) you identified in Part 1 of this Assignment.
    • Identify information sources for assessing the competencies and KSAOs, such as credentials, past work experiences, references, material submitted in the job application, and interview questions.
    • Determine how to prioritize and evaluate the different requirements for the job.
    • Identify which specific competencies/KSAOs are best assessed using interview questions. Note that interview questions may supplement other sources of information, such as checking references.
    • Consider how rater bias will be prevented, identified, and addressed.
    • Decide who should be involved in the interview process and what guidance and training to provide to interviewers.
    • Determine how information will be consolidated for each interview and how divergent impressions may be resolved.
  • Draw on your experience as a job applicant in a recent or particularly memorable recruitment episode to analyze the recruitment and selection process from an interviewee's perspective. Consider issues that arose (e.g., internal vs. external applicants treated inequitably), specific challenges, positive and negative outcomes, and how the process can be improved.

Part 1 Assignment: Job Description Analysis

  • In 1000 words, include the following:
  • Explain the nurse executive's role in developing job descriptions and why it represents an essential human resource management function.
  • Analyze the job description you have selected as the focus of your Assignment. Include the source of the job description and critique the job description for clarity and accuracy.
  • Explain how well the job description defines the required employee attributes and how it could be improved. If information is available, describe how the tasks and competencies associated with this job may have changed since the job description was conceived.
  • Write a new or revised job description that reflects your analysis and that you would use for advertising the position and recruiting candidates for the job.
  • Explain how you would use social media and online job search technology to maximize the presentation of the job description and reach a broader share of potential recruits.
  • Describe two examples of how jobs similar to your chosen position are presented to interested job seekers from the social media and online job sites you visit.

Part 2 Assignment: Interview and Selection Plan

Based on the job description you created or revised in Part 1, design an interview and selection process for that job. In 1500 words, include the following:

  • Describe the ideal candidate for this job, and explain the information sources you would use to evaluate applicants.
  • Explain an overview of your process to identify and select that candidate.
  • Focusing on the interview, explain:
    • Who within the healthcare organization would be involved in the interview process, and why
    • Pre-interview guidance and preparation for interviewers and recruits
    • How interview outcomes would be compiled
    • How differences in interview ratings would be resolved
  • List five essential questions you would ask in an interview to evaluate key employee characteristics for this job. For each question, explain what you would look and listen for in the candidate's response.
  • Explain how you would measure a candidate and assess the recruit's fitness.
  • Analyze your interview and selection process for potential challenges, and explain how you would address those challenges to improve the process and outcomes, including retaining good employees.

Reference no: EM133583031

Questions Cloud

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