Analyze your behaviors during the event

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Reference no: EM131522450


Our text suggests that objective reality is often significantly different from perceived reality and is an important variable to consider when making decisions within an organization.

In addition, attribution theory describes how people create the explanations for their own and others' actions, as well as the outcomes of the applied behaviors. Based on these two premises, analyze and discuss the following questions:

Consider your own experiences with others. Have your actions ever been judged inaccurately by a person such as a boss, a peer, or a family member? Does attribution theory offer us any explanations for what happened in the experience?

Every day we all make choices and decisions to act on something or behave in a specific way. Consider a time where you behaved in a way that was misinterpreted by someone. Why do you think it was misinterpreted?

Further analyze your behaviors during the event. How do you believe that your actions were inaccurately interpreted or do you think you may have not fully considered why you made this decision at that time? Consider the following as you make your decision:

Consistency. Do you tend to react/behave this way often?

Consensus. Would other people act similarly in the same situation?

Distinctiveness. Do other situations and stimuli elicit the same behavior?

Could perceptions of the behavior be attributed to a possible fundamental attribution error?

Could a self-serving bias be affecting your perception of what someone else thought about your behavior?

Your assignment should be a minimum of five to six double-spaced pages, and should adequately discuss all questions posed, demonstrate maturating self-awareness, and include at least one peer-reviewed source, in addition to your text. Use the rubric to check for thoroughness.

The Ashford Library should be used as your primary resource for this assignment, but other credible sources will also be accepted. Your sources should be cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

The paper

Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length, not including the title or references pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student's name

Course name and number

Instructor's name

Date submitted

Must begin with an introductory paragraph which will outline the two parts to be addressed within the paper.

Must address the topics with critical thought and support all assertions with peer-reviewed sources.

Must end with a conclusion that synthesizes your findings about leadership theories.

Must use at least one peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford University Library, not including your textbook.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the In-Text Citation Guide.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the APA References List.

Reference no: EM131522450

Questions Cloud

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Classify each of the given accounting practices : Change from declining-balance to straight-line depreciation in the second year of an asset depreciated over 20 years.
Analyze your behaviors during the event : Consider your own experiences with others. Have your actions ever been judged inaccurately by a person such as a boss, a peer, or a family member?
Compute all parts of the dupont ratio for past three years : Compute all parts of the DuPont Ratio for the past three years. Then, compare those numbers to the 2014 year ratios of one of the company's closest competitor.
Describe the cycles of four chemicals essential : Describe the cycles of four chemicals essential to life on earth: water, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Be sure to use appropriate key terms.
Determine firm should report each items as other expenses : Game Time Sports owns a recreational facility with basketball courts, pitching machines, and athletic fields.
Onset of a major-medical incident : Is it possible for the onset of a major-medical incident to alter or impede a person's personality development? What does this say about the Big Five factor?


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