Analyze why business leaders are paid so much

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133461458

Questions: You are the regional manager of a Wells Fargo branch, and the Wells Fargo HQ has noticed how the branches in your region outperformed all the other regions in the nation. As a result, you have been selected to provide your insights for a training session and prepare a report on leadership. The HQ is asking to address the following five items in report:

Top-level leaders of major business corporations like yourself receive some of the highest compensation packages in the workforce.

1. Analyze why business leaders are paid so much.
2. Share your observation personally to be helpful about a leader displaying a sense of humor?
3. If leadership ability is partially inherited, to what extent is it still worthwhile for a person without any family members who have held leadership positions to pursue a career as a high-level business leader?
4. Provide an example of a leader you have observed who appears to have good cognitive intelligence yet is lacking in practical intelligence.
5. How might being charismatic contribute to the effectiveness of the manager of entry such as those employed as bank tellers?


Reference no: EM133461458

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