Reference no: EM133288593
Qualitative Research Topic and References
Assignment Instructions
Before submitting this Research Paper: Part 2 - Qualitative Research Topic and References Assignment, please review the Research Paper: Part 3 - Qualitative Research Assignment Instructions carefully. Make sure you understand the research project and the parameters set for it. Once you are ready, submit the following information for instructor approval.
• Topic: Choose a communication topic of interest to you that fits within the parameters of the assignment.
• Artifact: Select an artifact that you would like to analyzeusing one of qualitative approaches presented in chapter 9 (section 6) of your textbook. Note: The artifact must be publicly available and not require any special permission to access. Most printed and web-based documents will work well for this assignment. Good choices include visual items such as images, social media, websites, film, music, video, audio, podcasts, speeches, and news articles, for example.
• Research Question(s): Suggest one or two general research questions that could guide your investigation. Your research questions will change upon your literature review, but for now, just suggest a general question that you think is worth exploring. Two examples:o Is there a difference between the leading stories on Fox News and CNN's websites? If so, in what way are they different?o How has the "cancel culture" movement changed the way American's watch TV? In specific, how has the film, "Gone with the Wind" been cancelled by culture?
• Sources: Find at least eight (8) scholarly and peer-reviewed sources to support your research topic. You may also use news articles, professional trade magazines, and websites. The Punch textbook and the Bible are also allowed.