Analyze unemployment and inflation data

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM13974436

Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric: Macroeconomic Ma Report

Choose a 10-year period in the history of Me United States between 1950 and today. AII responses will be related to timeframe.

a) Analyze the annual GDP to calculate specific growth rates and trends in Me U.S. economy.

b) Analyze unemployment and inflation data.

c) Analyze interest rate fluctuations throughout Mistime period and their effects on other aspects of the economy.

Using the Milestone One PowerPoint Template provided, create 4-6 slides Mat address the following critical elements:

I. Examination of Macroeconomic Data (Be sure. include speaker notes to accompany all of your responses.)

a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Growth

i. Analyze the annual GDP during the time frame to calculate specific growh rates and trends in the U.S. economy.

ii. Choose two or three of the most relevant historical and/or current events during this time period Mat impacted Me U.S. economy. Apply specific models developed throughout the course to demonstrate how these events influenced national output during this time.

b) Unemployment and Inflation

i. Analyze unemployment and inflation data during the time frame in their relation to output and growth, using macroeconomic principles and models to explain their effect.

ii. Apply specific models developed throughout Me course to demonstrate bow Me previously selected historical and/or current events influenced both unemployment and inflation during this time.

c) Analyze Interest rate fluctuations throughout this time period and their effects on other aspects of the economy. How would these fluctuations affect inflation? Would investments and foreign trade rates increase or decrease, How would the GDP of the American economy be affected.

Reference no: EM13974436

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