Analyze the various labor relations processes

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Reference no: EM131840577

Question: Pay, Benefits, and the Grievance Process

- Describe and analyze the various labor relations processes.

- Discuss the rights and responsibilities of unions and management.

- Evaluate the legislative and contractual framework for labor-management relations.

- Describe ethical and legal considerations of collective bargaining.

The value of negotiation in labor management relations is such that both parties bargain in good faith and are able to come to agreement on all mandatory collective bargaining items. It is important to understand details of this process to avoid an impasse. A strike or lockout might occur if there is an impasse. An impasse can have costly consequences for the union, management, and consumers.

Discuss the following:

- What is good faith bargaining?

- What items are mandatory and illegal in the collective bargaining process?

- If labor and management come to an impasse over employee benefits and a strike occurs, what strategies would you recommend to break the impasse? Provide an example using a real-life case.

Reference no: EM131840577

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