Reference no: EM13902051
Businessprofessionalstypicallyneed todemonstratea coresetof financialknowledgeto earnthejobandtosucceedonajob.For thispart oftheassessment,
youwillbegiven ascenarioin which youareaskedtoillustrateyourfinancial managementknowledge. This partof thefinal projectaddresses thefollowingcourseoutcomes:
• Analyze therolesandresponsibilitiesof financialmanagersinconfirmingcompliancewithfederalandshareholderrequirements
• Differentiatebetweenvarious
financialmarketsandinstitutionsbycomparingandcontrastingoptionswhenselectingappropriateprivateandcorporate investments
Youhavecompleted an internshipinthefinancedivisionofafast-growinginformation technologycorporation.Your boss, thefinancialmanager,isconsidering
hiringyoufor a full-timejob. Hefirstwantsto evaluateyour financialknowledgeandhas provided youwitha shortexamination.When composing your answers to this employmentexamination, ensurethattheyarecohesiveandread likeashortessay.
Yoursubmission mustaddressthefollowingcriticalelements: I. AnalyzeRolesandResponsibilitiesfor Compliance
A. Examine thetypesof decisions financialmanagersmake. Howarethesedecisions related to theprimaryobjectiveof financialmanagers? B.
Analyzethevariousethicalissues afinancialmanagercouldpotentiallyfaceandhowthesecouldbehandled.
C. Compareandcontrastthedifferentfederal safeguards thatareinplacetoreducefinancial reportingabuse.Whyaretheseconsidered
II. InvestmentOptions
A. If a privatecompanyis"goingpublic,"whatdoes thismean,andhowwouldthecompanydo this? Whatarethe advantagesof doingthis?Do youseeanydisadvantages?If so,what arethey?
B. Howdo thelargestU.S.stock marketsdiffer?Outof thosechoices,which wouldbethe smartestprivateinvestmentoption, inyouropinion?
C. Compareandcontrastthevariousinvestment productsthatare availableandthetypesof institutionsthatsell them.
Jack tallas came to the united states from greece
: Jack Tallas came to the United States from Greece in 1914. He lived in Salt Lake city for nearly 70 years, achieving great success in insurance and real state. During the last 14 years of his life his friend Peter Dementas helped him with numerous pe..
Corporations law question
: In 2012, three friends (Amy, Lee and Chu) incorporate Bold Fresh Pty Ltd to operate a retail fashion shop that specialized in selling the latest trendy fashion designs. Amy and Lee each held 45% of the issued shares in the company and Chu held the r..
Explains the reason for seasons on earth
: Explains the reason for seasons on Earth-Explanation of the reason for seasons and of common misconceptions that students have regarding the reason for seasons.
Determine the sample mean, median, and mode
: Determine the sample mean, median, and mode. Give a cumulative relative frequency plot of these data.
Analyze the various ethical issues a financial manager
: Analyzethevariousethicalissues afinancialmanagercouldpotentiallyfaceandhowthesecouldbehandled
Corporations law question
: Advise the directors of Quick-Finance Ltd of their chances of success in successfully suing ER Sun to recover the $1 million dollars loaned to Nine Dragons Ltd on the basis of the contents of the auditor's report which they viewed on the world wide w..
Major differences between the two types of proceedings
: In this module, you have learned about securities, as well as when attachment and perfection occurs.For this assignment, think of three items you personally have that involve a security. If you do not actually have any security interests, list three ..
Explain how modern theory of rent is an improvement
: Explain how modern theory of rent is an improvement over Marshall''s theory of rent.
What are the other two data values
: Suppose you are given the average pay of all working people in each of the 50 states of the United States. Do you think that the sample mean of the averages for the 50 states will equal the value given for the entire United States?