Analyze the usage of the elements of art and principles of

Assignment Help Other Management
Reference no: EM13584127

Find a museum, gallery, or another place where you can view an original work of art of your choice. Select one work of art to explore, and write a 250-300 word observation. Discuss the following aspects of your experience in the paper:

  • Identify the artist, title, date, and medium of the artwork
  • State where and when you observed this artwork
  • How do the surroundings affect your experience of this artwork?
  • What is the subject matter?
  • Analyze the usage of the elements of art and principles of design (elements of art: line, space, light, color, value, texture, pattern, time and motion; principles of design: balance, emphasis, scale, proportion, repetition, rhythm, variety)
  • How does the artistic form of the artwork affect the content?
  • What do you think the artist wants to convey through this artwork?

Reference no: EM13584127

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