Analyze the survey sample you have selected for your group

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13912354

Group Research Project

This assignment focuses on assessing the quality of your learning and its application in real world business research at an introductory level. The assignment requires you to apply the analytical techniques taught in this subject to data collected through a survey. Lectures, tutorials and quizzes will provide you with the opportunity to learn the analytical techniques to successfully complete this assignment.

Project Title: Understanding the market for beverages at La Trobe University

La Trobe is a large university attended by thousands of students every day on week days. The purpose of this project is to understand the students' beverages market at the university. This type of project requires the students to demonstrate their ability to select a sample, analyse the data collected and prepare a written report of their analysis. For convenience, the subject coordinator designed a survey questionnaire which was to be used by all students last semester. Moreover, since it was impossible to interview every student visiting the university last semester, the subject coordinator proposed that only BUS1BAN students should be interviewed. And, to make life easier for all, last semester all BUS1BAN students were required to respond to the survey online on the subject web page.

The data collected last semester are provided to you for analysis. The data can be found on Moodie under week 3 in a file called "Data for the Assignment"

What should you do?

1. Form a group of 3 students for the project. You must finalize and register your group members with your teacher by your last class.

2. Select a random sample of 100 for analysis. Your teacher has exported the anonymous responses of BUB1BAN students to an Excel file. You will find those in the file called "Data for the Assignment". Use this file to select your sample of 100. Make sure you do this once, save it and work from this sample for the rest of your assignment.

NOTE: Every time you select a random sample it will be different so it is important that you only go through the process of selecting the sample once and use that same sample for the rest of the assignment.

3. Analyze the survey sample you have selected for your group. The best way to do this will be to convene a meeting every week and discuss how you could apply the analytical techniques covered in your classes so far on the survey data. The Group Activity Log Form formally requires you to do so and has implication for the marks you may score in this assignment. See the Group Activity Form for details.

4. Submit the following:

a. A group report of around 1000 words. This is to be handed to your teacher in your second class of week 10.

The report must respond to the specific questions asked in a report format. (See page 4 the 'Report Format" for details).

Your report must be a printed word document with a cover-page, an introduction, the analysis of data and a summary.

The cover-page should include the assignment title, each group members name and ID number as well as the average effort for each student (best summarized in the table below)

Group Members:

Student No


Average effort*










"Calculated in the group activity log which must be attached to assignment.

b. A group activity log: You need to maintain a group activity log on the "Group Activity Log Form" which keeps track of every student's involvement in the project. The form is attached (last page). You must submit a scanned copy of the group activity log, signed by all group members, along with your report (one report per group)

Attachment:- Data_Excel_for_the_Assignment.xlsx

Reference no: EM13912354

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