Reference no: EM132656458
Assignment: Applied Paper: (200 pts) The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the strategic issues of diversity and inclusion faced by an industry and illustrated by one of its organizations. A public company is strongly suggested for analysis because the information is readily available. The target organization may be one where you currently work or one where you might like to work or simply an organization that you are curious about. Include the following sections in your paper:
1. Introduction
2. Executive summary: Summary of your analysis
3. Introduction (company products, leadership, structure, mission, vision, and industry).
4. Strategic issues the industry and the organization are facing today.
5. Your analysis of how well the organization is managing diversity
6. The degree to which they have an inclusive multicultural corporate culture.
7. How corporate culture, policies, practices and programs seem to boost or undermine morale for employees from diverse backgrounds.
8. Any other opinions about the organization's management of diversity There should be a minimum of five scholarly citations, one from the textbook related to the topic and four from other sources, preferably from the Barry Library link on course website properly cited using APA format. The paper should be a minimum of ten (10) narrative pages, (2500 words) double spaced, in 12 pt. font. Students are also required to include an Assignment Cover Sheet (see Appendix). All papers will be automatically run through Turnitin and students will be able to review the results. Papers must have a Turnitin Similarity Index below 30% in order to earn a grade. See Embedded Rubric for Applied Paper for grading criteria. Note: Submissions posted past the due dates are subject to a grade penalty Writing guidelines for all written material: Writing for all papers is expected to represent perfect college-level writing. Written assignments will be judged on thoughtful analysis of the issues, appropriateness of recommendations (60%) and quality of writing (40%). Quality of writing is judged on grammar and syntax, punctuation and spelling, word choices, expression of attitudes and feelings, and flow of ideas.