Analyze the staffing levels within the organization

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133137894

As an HR Manager, part of your job is to analyze the staffing levels within the organization. You have to hire to fill one position within the organization. You can choose the organizational position you currently work or a future position. For this assignment, create a new position and write a description of the needs it fills in the organization, the job description, and the compensation and benefits package.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:

  • Explain three or four job components in the job description and specifications for the job.
  • Explain what will be included in the compensation and benefits package related to the job.
  • Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Reference no: EM133137894

Questions Cloud

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Analyze the staffing levels within the organization : As an HR Manager, part of your job is to analyze the staffing levels within the organization. You have to hire to fill one position within the organization.
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Authentic information about the incident : How should Mike get the authentic information about the incident? What should his enquiry include?


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