Analyze the six domains of quality in healthcare

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Reference no: EM133689918 , Length: 6 Pages


When healthcare administrators tackle urgent organizational problems, they may be tempted to move quickly from one problem to the next temporarily "putting out fires" without stopping to take a broader view of the HSO's risk management practices or service quality. Although thorough assessments take time, they can provide leaders with valuable information needed to implement meaningful and lasting improvements. The use of frameworks like the ERM and the Six Domains of Quality in Healthcare guide administrators to broadly assess their HSO's risk management practices and healthcare quality in multiple domains.

In this Assignment, you will critically analyze your selected HSO's healthcare service quality against the Six Domains of Quality in Healthcare. You will also analyze your HSO's risk management practices against the ERM framework.

Recall the HSO type you selected in previous courses and either affirmed or re-selected earlier in this course.

Consider the quality and risk management issues that may be present within your HSO.


Critically analyze your selected HSO against the Six Domains of Quality in Healthcare.

Critically analyze your selected HSO against the ERM framework.

Note: A critical analysis involves examining the framework or model against your HSO and then evaluating your HSO within the different components of the framework/model.

Brown, A., Dickinson, H., & Kelaher, M. (2018). Governing the quality and safety of healthcare: A conceptual framework. Social Science and Medicine, 202, 99-107.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). How to improve [Multimedia]

Kuhn, A. M., & Youngberg, B. J. (2002). The need for risk management to evolve to assure a culture of safety Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 11, 158-162.

Rahemi, Z., D'Avolio, D., Dunphy, L., & Rivera, A. (2018). Shifting management in healthcare: An integrative review of design thinkingLinks to an external site.. Nursing Management, 49(12), 30-37.

Wang, T., & Moczygemba, J. (2015). Risk management in EHR implementation Journal of AHIMA.

Reference no: EM133689918

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