Reference no: EM133813352 , Length: Words Count:800
Writing Assignment: They Called Us Enemy
In They Called Us Enemy, George Takei explores his family's internment during World War II and reflects on issues of civil rights, justice, and American identity. The format of this writing assignment is a bit different from the rest. In this writing assignment, you will write 4 well-thought-out paragraphs that reflect your knowledge of the readings. Please make sure that you are engaging both sources grading will be dependent on how well you engage the book. I ask for a short quote in the third paragraph, but everything else should be on your own.
Paragraph 1: We all seem to spend a lot of time discussing WWII, but often to not go into as much depth when discussing internment. Discuss the way Japanese internment was taught prior to college (or how it wasn't). Why do you think the topic is often brushed over? What are two main facts that you learned from the Takei book the were shocking, interesting, maddening, etc.? (Two hundred words)
Paragraph 2: Analyze the role of family in George Takei's memoir. How does his family's experience during internment shape their bonds and identities? (Two hundred words)
Paragraph 3: George Takei experienced internment as a small child. How was his experience different from his parent's experience? Do you think hearing his story, from a child's perspective, rather than his parent's, from an adult's perspective, was more or less beneficial to the narrative? Bring in one specific (short, 1-2 line) quote from the book to support your ideas. (Two hundred words)
Paragraph 4: Compare and contrast the treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II with the experiences of other marginalized groups in American history. What similarities and differences do you observe? Use examples from both GML and They Called Us Enemy. (Two hundred words)