Reference no: EM133748315
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the responses to special needs offenders. A discussion of the history and evolution of the correctional system responses to special needs offenders must be provided. Special attention should be paid to specific events that led to changing policies and the impact on the correctional system (example; deinstitutionalization in the 1970s led to the over-incarceration of mentally ill offenders with comorbidity problems).
Discussion of the History and Context
At least three paragraphs of the history of correctional responses to special needs offenders, in conjunction with major social, political, or global events. You may focus on one special needs area.
Discussion of the External Forces on Policy and Ideology
At least one paragraph on political forces that shaped ideology and policy. Uses specific legislation to illustrate changes in policy with a direct correlation between policy and ideology. For example, the Martinson report's reinterpretation as a "Nothing Works" doctrine by politicians led to an abandonment of reform policies in favor of "Get Tough" sentencing guidelines.
At least one paragraph on social forces that shaped ideology and ultimately policy. Discusses public opinion polls and studies that drove politicians to respond in a specific manner through policy. For example, the Florida State University "Fear of Crime" study and its relationship to mandatory direct file policies for juvenile offenders as "superpredators".
At least one paragraph on the impact of the policy change to the correctional system as a whole, and how the correctional system has responded.
Summary and Recommendations
At least one paragraph that summarizes the key points of the paper and provides recommendations for future directions that work to bridge the gap between research and practical application.
You must include in-text citations from the following two articles:
Alarid, L. (2019). Community-based Corrections (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.
Martinson, R. (1974///Spring, Spring 1974). What Works?-Questions and Answers About Prison Reform. The Public Interest, 35, 22.
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: What makes someone a sex criminal? Use presented theories. Take some of the theories and apply them to a notorious sex criminal.
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: Explain the concept of deductive thinking. Explain the skills and mindset required to apply deductive reasoning.
Which relies on visible presence of police to deter crime
: Which focused on preventive patrol, found that this passive approach to policing, which relies on the visible presence of police to deter crime.
Analyze the current strategies employed by the cj-hs system
: How: Analyze the current strategies employed by the CJ/HS system to address the issue.
Analyze the responses to special needs offenders
: At least three paragraphs of the history of correctional responses to special needs offenders, in conjunction with major social, political, or global events.
Analyzing the different aspects of gender-victimization
: Second, after reading the articles in both V and VI and analyzing the different aspects of gender, victimization, and honor killings.
What phase of period prior to actual commission of the crime
: What phase of a crime, or period prior to the actual commission of the crime, an investigator may learn things related to the killerâ s intentions, mindset.
Differences between local-state and federal law enforcement
: Discuss the differences between local, state and federal law enforcement and their jurisdictions. What are some of the challenges that each level faces?
Explain sutherlands differential association theory
: Explain Sutherland's differential association theory, social learning theory, or another theory of criminology from the course's learning activities so far.