Analyze the relationships among morality and ethics

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131698549


Write a two to three page critical essay dealing with the following questions.

The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of about 8 billion devices worldwide, which are often targeted as the launching point for devastating cyber-attacks. If that fact were not troubling enough, a new paradigm of connectivity on the horizon will eclipse the IoT in size, complexity, and opportunity. The Internet of Everything (IoE) will connect people in more relevant and valuable ways, convert data into intelligence to make better decisions, and allow for delivery of the right information to the right person or machine at the right time by utilizing the physical devices and objects connected to the Internet and each other for intelligent decision making. In essence, the IoE will lead to decentralization of business and to distributed information capture, and will push security to the edge. Most of the approximately 50 billion devices will be consumer devices, managed by individuals with no specialized training in cybersecurity, and no advanced degrees in computer science. This trend will continue to have a major impact on information technology as we move to more ubiquitous technology. How has the distributed nature of IoT infrastructure changed networking fundamentals, such as network architecture, services, and transmissions?

Search the Internet to find an example of a hacking activity or situation that represents a morally, ethically, or criminally ambiguous situation that took advantage of this new technology phenomenon which demonstrates a failure of traditional network fundamental practices.

Write a critical essay that addresses the following items:

1. Cite and briefly describe your example.

2. Apply what you have learned from the course to this point to identify arguments both in support of and critical of the behavior of the attackers.

3. Describe and explain the relationships among morality, ethics, law, and crime as they intersect in the case example you have found.

Discuss and cite at least two credible or scholarly sources other than the course textbook to support your analysis and positions. You may cite the course textbooks as well. Use APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Your paper should be two to three pages in length.


Kizza, Joseph Migga. Computer network security and cyber ethics. McFarland, 2014.

Reference no: EM131698549

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