Analyze the perspective of benthams moral theory

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133484391


Analyze the following scenario from the perspective of Bentham's moral theory: "Suppose that a team of medical researchers has been experimenting with a new medication that promises to cure all forms of cancer in humans. In order to make the medication safe and effective, however, they must experiment with the drug on human beings. However, it is certain that most of the humans who take the drug in its early experimental stage will be killed instantly, and as a result the researchers cannot find any volunteers. So, the researchers make a deal with a small number of cancer doctors, who agree to give the medication to a total of 100 patients while lying to them about the purpose and safety of the medication.

Most of these 100 patients will die because of the experiment, but their deaths will certainly lead to a cure for a cancer. From a moral perspective, should the researchers and doctors go ahead with their plan?" What conclusion would be drawn from the perspective of Bentham's moral theory? Explain how Bentham's theory leads to this conclusion. Do you think that this conclusion is correct? Why/why not?

Reference no: EM133484391

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