Analyze the organizations mission

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133200545 , Length: 6 Pages



Choose one of the 28 companies from the cases at the end of the textbook (pages 357 - 614) to complete a strategic analysis. (Please DO NOT choose Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc and Use the information in the textbook as well as outside information to complete a thorough strategic analysis of your company by completing the following:

Strategic Assessment

Analyze the organizations mission, current objectives, and current strategies

Prepare an External Assessment

• Economic

• Social, Cultural, Demographic

• Political-Legal

• Technological

• Competitive

Prepare an Internal Assessment

• Management

• Marketing

• Finance

• Accounting

• Production/Operations

• Research And Development

• Management Information Systems Operations

Prepare a SWOT Analysis

• Strengths

• Weaknesses

• Opportunities

• Threats

Prepare a Competitive Analysis

• Porter's Five-Forces Model

Discuss the Critical Success Factors

• Factors that will determine the degree of success a business will enjoy

Strategic Recommendations

• Recommendations - Be specific with your strategy selections and explain why you are choosing the strategies. Discuss any risks involved.
Implementation - How will these strategies be implemented.

Reference no: EM133200545

Questions Cloud

Amplify the benefits of investments : Refer to the article, 'The impact of automation of systems on medical errors: Evidence from field research' by Aron et al.(in Information Systems Research
True regarding back-talks offer : Masse sent a written acceptance to Eckerly via Masse's personal messenger - true regarding Back-Talk's offer
Discuss international manager technique for ethical decision : What are the common unethical issues faced by international companies? Discuss the international manager techniques for making ethical decisions?
Career and unit expectations : Take 10 minutes to think about the career you are thinking of following when you graduate from your studies. In 100 words describe your perfect career choice.
Analyze the organizations mission : Analyze the organizations mission, current objectives, and current strategies. Norwich University.
Big five personality traits : 1. Identify a Business or Political Leader, or a Leader from your own past employment experiences.
Understanding the managerial decision-making : What is your opinion about this article in terms of understanding the managerial Decision-Making and problem-solving process
Evaluation of the current situation : Put yourself in the position of a consultant making recommendations to the organization's CEO. For this presentation, you should follow the 8-step Change Proces
How did the change impact the constituents : How did the change impact the constituents? How the change initiative considered the individual and groups.


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