Analyze the organization statement of cash flows

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Reference no: EM132468377 , Length: word count:1000

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You may use any Not-for-Profit that publishes their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) on the web. You must provide the website to the CAFR. Providing a website to the organization is not sufficient.

Review the financial statements and audit report for the American Red Cross organization. The financial statements and audit report of the American Red Cross should be readily and publicly available on an active website.

Write a three- to five-page paper in which you do the following:

1. Analyze Red Cross' financial statements to determine if the statements conform to Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) guidance in Statement No. 117, "Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations" (FASB ASC 958-205-45). Explain Red Cross' use of the three fund categories. Recommend at least two areas of potential interest to the stakeholder concerning the status of revenue and expenses.

2. Analyze the organization's statement of cash flows. Explain the format that the organization utilizes, including any unique areas of emphasis that differ from the GAAP accounting format.

3. Compare Red Cross' reporting of pledges and contributions with its reporting of exchange transactions. Discuss the funds that are utilized.

4. Assess the fiscal condition of Red Cross utilizing and interpreting financial indicators, using financial ratios that are widely accepted as being indicative of fiscal health. This assessment should also be expanded to include fund-raising analysis, program review, contributions, and grant analysis and revenue analysis.

Need 1000 words paper.

Reference no: EM132468377

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