Analyze the needs and motivation of the target market

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131402009

Assignment : Consumer Behavior/Target Market Report

You are a marketing manager for a health and beauty organization and need to market a new brand of toothpaste that fits into your company's "Fit for Life" product line. The "Fit for Life" product line focuses on a holistic approach to health and wellness. The current product line includes soaps, shampoos, gels, and creams made from natural ingredients.

You need to analyze the concepts of different marketing and consumer behavior related to the new toothpaste in the line. Your job is to increase consumer demand and sales of the new product. To do so, you need to assess consumer behavior and decision making.

Complete the following activities and present your response in an 8- to 10-page professional Consumer Behavior/Target Market report:

Detail the new toothpaste, including its history, function, and purpose, and how this product will fit in to the company's current "Fit for Life" product line.

Prepare a market segmentation analysis to define potential consumers for this product.

Write an assessment of the marketing mix.

Analyze the needs and motivation of the target market. What types of primary and secondary market research could you perform to discover your target market's motivational issues and personality traits? What ethical considerations need to be considered when conducting this research?

Analysis of perceived risks to the consumer as they apply to your product. Discuss ways to mitigate the risks.

Justify your ideas and responses by using appropriate examples, use at least 4 references (one of which may be your text book), and follow APA formatting.

Reference no: EM131402009

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