Reference no: EM13160892
According to the endosymbiotic theory, why was it adaptive for thelarger (host) cell to keep the engulfed cell alive, rather thandigesting it as food?
A) The engulfed cell provided the host cell with carbon dioxide
B) The engulfed cell allowed the host cell to metabolizeglucose.
C) The host cell would have been poisoned if it had digested theengulfed cell.
D) The host cell was able to survive anaerobic conditions with theengulfed cell alive.
E) The engulfed cell provided the host cell with ATP.
Researchers have found a new type of bacteria, and they want todetermine its phylum. What would be the most reliable method to doso?
a. determine the ribosomal RNA sequence of the bacteria.
b. perform an analysis of metabolic pathways
c. conduct a Gram-stain test
d. analyze the morphological characteristics of the bacteria
You just discovered a new virus. This virus infects heart muscle,where it causes inflammation. This virus has a very high mutationrate. Which of the following is the best strategy for finding a treatment for this virus?
A) Identify the receptor this virus uses and develop an antibodyagainst that receptor.
B) Encourage infected individuals to engage in heart-strengtheningexercise.
C) Develop a vaccine from living viruses.
D) Develop a drug that blocks the host's ribosomes, which thevirus uses to produce its proteins