Analyze the mini-case and table of requirements to assess

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM131232578

Mini-Case Study

Uigeadail Manufacturing & Universal Corporation (UM&UC) designs, builds, and sellsprecision measurement tools used in the scientific and medical research and energy exploration industries. The firm is highly respected for its quality products, effective product training programs, and professional customer service and support.

In late 2015, UM&UC recognized that the sales team had become extremely mobile and were facing challenges that was impacting the team's effectiveness. The VP, Sales engaged an independent consulting firm to assess and analyze the challenges and effectiveness and make recommendations on how to improve the sales and sales support process. The consulting firm report revealed the following key findings:

1. The sales and sales support teams are primarily mobile and rarely interface with company IT resources from a UM&UC facility.

2. The sales and sales support teams are mobile technology savvy and understand what needs to improve to make them more effective.

3. The sales and sales support teams need many of the same capabilities that they would have at a UM&UC facility, but they need access and delivery to through a mobile device.

4. UM&UC IT infrastructure has not kept pace with the sales and sales support teams' dynamic IT needs.

5. Some sales and sales support team members are trying to bridge the gap by using personal mobile devices, but these devices are not allowed to access the needed company IT resources.

In addition, the consulting firm made several technology and process recommendations. In early 2016, UM&UC acted on many of the process recommendations and is now ready to implement the top technology recommendation, which is:

"Transition the sales team and selected members of the sales support team to tablet style (iPad, MS Surface, Lenovo Yoga, Samsung Galaxy, etc.) mobile devices."

UM&UC has set aside funding and is ready to identify a standard device and roll it out to the sales and sales support teams. Based on the available funding, the cost cannot exceed $750.00 per unit. There are 75 sales and 107 sales support team members across the US, Europe, Asia, and MEA (Middle East &Africa). All personnel will be issued the same tablet.

You are the Senior IT Infrastructure Specialist assigned to identify the candidate standard tablet and recommend an implementation roadmap for rolling it out.

You have confirmed and updated the requirements documented by the consulting firm, which are outlined in the matrix below. You do not need to address software at this time. You only need to ensure the hardware will be able to handle the activity shown in the requirements table.

Table of Requirements





Create, view, and edit documents, presentations, and spreadsheets



View large PDF documents



Access & view product specifications, schematics, drawings and pictures in full HD



Access & display (play) product demonstrations and training videos in full HD



Securely connect to WiFi networks



Securely connect to cellular/mobile networks



Securely connect to VPN



Participate in online, real time conferences



Access corporate enterprise resources (Intranet, Inventory, Billing, Invoicing, etc.)



Receive, create, and send email



Connect to printers and print wirelessly



Take &save high resolution photos



Connect to large video display units wirelessly


The Assignment& Deliverable

This is an individual assignment. You must work on your own.

The assignment is to analyze the mini-case and table of requirements to assess and identify a standard tablet mobile device that will be used across the Sales Department. You must consider all aspects of the device to include CPU, RAM, storage, connectors & ports, etc. Do not simply visit a tablet manufacturer's site (Apple, Lenovo, Samsung, etc.) and select a machine. This will not be successful.You must identify and justify your selection based on requirements with specific attention to computing capacity and speed, storage, screen resolution, etc. How do the various tablet components individually and collectively meet the stated requirements?

You must also deliver a high level implementation roadmap within the same document. The roadmap must be focused on the tasks and activities associated with deployment/implementation and estimated durations for each task/activity. Specifically, you need to provide a view into what needs to done to roll out the tablet and how long it will take.

The deliverable is an MS Word document based on the template embedded in this document. The audience for the deliverable is the CIO; IT Director; VP, Sales; Sales US Regional Sales Directors; International Country Sales Directors; Sales Managers; and your implementation team. The expectation is you will use the document to gain approval for the identified tablet and roadmap. The roadmap will also be used (by you) to build out a full project schedule to manage the deployment.

Here is what you need to do:

1. Click on icon to launch the template and save it to your desktop.

2. Please do not deviate from the formatting contained in the document template.

3. Follow the content instructions in the various sections of the document to complete your work.

4. All narrative content must be single spaced, Arial 12 point.

5. All table content must be single spaced, Arial 10 point.

6. Review and use the Evaluation & Scoring Rubric below to ensure your deliverable contains an appropriate level of information.

7. External research and a References page are required.
a. You must use of at least three (3) external sources. This is in addition to any course materials from assigned readings and videos.
b. You should use scholarly, vendor, and industry materials.
c. Do not simply copy and paste information from the Web or copy information from the readings or other sources.
d. Provide the appropriate APA formatted citationson the References page to avoid the perception of plagiarism. This includes citing all external sources within the narrative and/or tables including the vendor Web sites, assigned readings and videos, the mini case, and other sources, as appropriate.
e. Wiki sites such as Wikipedia and authorless sites/blogs are NOT acceptable references.
f. If you are not familiar with the APA style and citations, there are also several links under Webliography that can assist you.
g. MS Word has a Citations & Bibliography feature located under the References tab. You may use this functionality, but it is not required. Select APA in the Style field and use the Manage Sources feature and MS Word will properly format the citations for you. When ready use the Bibliography drop down to insert citations.
h. At all costs, avoid any hint or perception of plagiarism.

8. Be sure to check for spelling, grammar and format errors prior to submitting the report. These are all items that will be evaluated and scored.

9. Submit the document by the due date (See the Course Schedule) in MS Word format via the appropriate assignment folder as an attached document with your last name, first initial in the beginning of the filename. The filename should have the following format: Last Name_First Intial_SSR&IR (For example: Wilson_A_SSR&IR).

Attachment:- Readings.rar

Reference no: EM131232578

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